Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Just as Regina was about to step back Sydney grabbed her face and kissed her. Regina shoved him off and punched him in the face. Sydney fell like a tonne of bricks and looked up at her with anger. He slowly stood up and just as he was about to grab her again Emma came bursting through the main door 'GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!' Emma shouted while she tackled him to the ground.

Emma had him by the throat and her fist raised 'I warned you NEVER to touch Regina EVER!' Regina became worried that emma would do something she would regret 'Sheriff Swan! He's not worth it!' Emma looked at Regina and nodded. Emma dragged Sydney to his feet turned him around and slapped hand cuffs on him. 'Sydney Glass you are under arrest for the assault on Mayor Mills, Sexual Misconduct and the Murder of Dr Archie Hopper!'

Regina stood there is disbelief 'you killed Archie?' Regina walked up to his face with David at her side incase she did something she'd regret 'I am going to make sure you die for this you pathetic excuse for a man!' Both Emma and David both ushered Sydney out of the town hall and was again thrown into the back of the police cruiser.


*1 hour previous at the station*

Emma sat in her cruiser looking through the interviews she had done with people so far after, when she left after speaking with Marco and August she noticed that there was a camera over Tillman Mechanics. She walked over and stood by the shutter as she heard Sydney Glass asking Micheal if his CCTV worked 'why do you want to know Mr Glass?' Sydney just smiled 'I would really like a still from it for my news report on Dr Hoppers death' Micheal thought about it, 'well your out of luck because its a dummy camera' Sydney seemed happy with this answer which Emma found very strange.

She waited round the corner behind a car until Sydney left and she snuck in the back door. 'Micheal, got a minute?' Micheal nodded and shut and locked the shutter completely. 'I was hoping you'd stop by Sheriff' Micheal said with relief, Emma noticed he was a bit shaken. 'Micheal are you ok?' Emma asked, Micheal shook his head 'there is something you need to see!'

Micheal opened his cupboard in his office that had a state of the art CCTV system. 'DAMN Micheal! You need to hook up the Sheriffs station with this!' Micheal pressed play on the laptop and what Emma watched was something that turned her stomach to the point she nearly threw up. 'I need this Micheal' she sated and Micheal was more than happy to help 'here take the whole hard drive, I have another I can use.' Emma nodded and thanked him.

She went straight to her cruiser and drove right to town hall.


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