Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

So after their some what heated messages earlier that day Regina managed to get work done without having to relieve tension and Emma was also able to work and not be tempted although Emma was finding it more difficult than Regina as she was sat at her desk with imagines of Her Queen laying naked on her desk not even 24 hrs ago.

Emma walked through her Loft front door to the best smell ever, Food! She smiled and noticed that Her Queen was cooking. 'Hello My Sheriff' Regina said without even turning around. Emma walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around Reginas waist. 'Hello My Queen, how was your day?' Emma asked with a smirk remembering the messages from earlier. Regina snorted 'It was very uncomfortable but I was able to relieve myself' Regina said with a smirk as she turned back to the cooker.

Emma smacked her ass and Regina yelped 'My Queen has been a naughty girl today!' Emma said low into Reginas ear. Regina moaned and Emma moved away from her. 'Sheriff Swan I do believe you are being a tease and that simply will not do!' Regina stated with her Mayor voice. Emma took a bottle of beef out of the fridge and began to drink it while she walked towards Regina 'Madam Mayor you are playing a dangerous game! Do NOT start something you can NOT finish!' Emma said and Reginas breath hitched at how much Emma was turning her on right now.

Emma stood staring into Reginas eyes which were blown darker with lust, just then the timer goes off 'Dinner is ready' Emma said with a smirk and walked to the table and took her seat. Regina shook her head to gather her thoughts and started dishing dinner up. After dinner Emma and Regina sat on the couch and watched a film, after about an hour Emma felt Reginas breathing even out, she had fallen asleep. Emma switched everything off she lifted Regina up bridal style and walked to her room.

She placed Regina in the bed and got in beside her and covered them both with the blanket, 'Sweet dreams My Queen, I Love You.' Emma said while kissing Reginas cheek and she fell asleep too. The next morning Emma woke up to an empty bed she sat up and frowned, she assumed Regina got up and left to go home at some point during the night. Emma got up and ventured down the stairs but stopped half way when she heard talking. 'Morning sleepy head!' 'Yeah its about time Ems!' both Mary-Margaret and Ruby said while laughing.

'Good Morning Baby' Regina said to Emma while she kissed her softly, 'Morning Baby' Emma replied with another kiss. 'So what has you guys here this early?' Emma asked curiously 'Girls day Ems, its Saturday!' Ruby said with a fake shocked look on her face. 'Oh yeah I forgot it was Saturday, Sorry ill go get ready' Emma said with a giggle.

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