Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

About an hour and half later, ruby walked to the door and locked it and put the open sign to closed. 'OK Rubes what the hell is going on' Emma demanded with a little irritation and anger. Regina slid her hand into Emmas and kissed her neck 'calm down baby and let her explain ok?' she whispered into Emmas ear dripping with seduction. Emma just about collapsed as her knees buckled from how turned on she was from Reginas voice.

Ruby just starred at them, 'SERIOUSLY?' Ruby shouted. Both Regina and Emma jumped a little and both said in unison 'WHAT!' Ruby just laughed and shook her head and sat in the booth. 'Ok Rubes whats going on?' 'Well' Ruby started, 'I'm going to guess that you both had fun last night?' both Emma and Regina shyly smiled at each other and nodded. 'aww guys I am so happy, but something happened last night.' Ruby said with a frown, 'Ruby what happened?' Regina demanded, emma rubbed her thigh to calm her down.

Ruby sighed 'Archie was murdered last night' she said with tears in her eyes. 'NO!' Emma stated, Regina just sat frozen with tears forming her eyes. Emma looked at Her Queen and immediately wrapped her arms around her and rubbed her hand up and down 'shhhh It's ok My Queen' she whispered into Reginas ear so only she could hear, 'Ill find out what happened, I promise!'

While the three ladies sat in the booth for another few minutes, Regina said 'I need to get to the town hall and call a town meeting.' Emma nodded 'Ill get to the station and begin my investigation, Ill speak to my dad and then start interviews.' 'Ok my love' Regina said while she kissed Emmas lips lightly and they both hugged Ruby and promised to keep her updated.

Emma and Regina kissed each other and said their goodbyes and promised to update and check in on each other every hour. Emma walked into the station and her dad gave her a cuddle and asked if she was ok. 'I will be when I find the son of a bitch that killed my friend!' she said angrily. David nodded and said 'we will honey, we will.'

Regina walked into the town hall and was met with none other than Sydney Glass, the one man who she did not want to see. Regina thought to herself 'If Emma saw him here she'd rip his head off' with a smirk. The thought of Emma getting jealous, possessive and protective of her makes her heart skip and so turned on. Regina internally scalds herself and thinks 'No Regina now is not the time' she shakes her head and turns to Sydney 'what can I do for you Mr Glass?'

Sydney looks at Regina and sadly smiles 'I am so sorry to hear about Dr Hopper Madam Mayor, I know you were both friends.' Regina nods and smiles 'Thank You Mr Glass, is there anything else I can do for you?' Sydney smiles 'Can I take you to dinner tonight Regina?' Regina scoffs and shouts 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?' Sydney puts his hand on her arm and she tenses up, he steps closer to her 'I can help you through this sad time Regina'

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