Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

Storybrooke was its quiet little self again, well apart from Leroy the town drunk being his normal self but it was nothing that Emma or David couldn't handle. Emma sat at her desk going through her weekly reports for the Mayors meeting later that day. Emma heard the unmistakable clicking of heels on the tiled floors in the station and she kept working with a small smirk on her face. Regina reached the door of Emmas office and smiled when she saw the love of her working away.

'Sheriff Swan do you have those reports ready for me?' Regina asked with a bit of a seductive tone. Emma didn't even look up at Regina but replied with a bit of an authoritative tone 'I sure have Madam Mayor!' Regina waited for Emma to look up but she never did. Regina frowned and wanted Emmas attention so she slowly moved towards Emmas desk and slide her left leg over Emmas lap and sat on the desk in front of Emma.

Emma leaned back in her chair, she looked up at Her Mayor and smirked knowing exactly what Regina was trying to do. 'I think there is something that needs your undivided attention, Sheriff Swan' Regina said very low and sultry. Emma looked at her dead in the eye 'oh yeah? And what would that be Madam Mayor?' Regina then untied her coat belt and opened it enough so Emma could see just what she didn't have on.

Emmas breath hitched at what she saw and Reginas lip curled at the side knowing that Emma was not expecting this. 'I think you need to inspect for yourself Sheriff Swan as I am not very experienced in police work now am I?' Emma visibly gulped and with a straight face she slowly stood up from her chair, went to the door closed it and locked it and also shut all the blinds. Emma picked up her phone and sent a text to her Dad, David.

Emma: Hey Dad you can have the rest of the day off, I have the Mayors meeting this afternoon so I'll divert calls to my phone xx

Dad: Are you sure honey? Xx

Emma: Yeah positive, Enjoy your day with Mum xx

Dad: Thanks Kid, Love You xx

Emma: Love You Too xx

Regina watched Emma silently, Emma put her phone in her jacket pocket and sat back in the chair she was in. Emma looked up at Regina while slowly running her hands up Reginas bare legs. 'So.....Madam Mayor, what is it you feel I need to inspect?' Emma said seductively while slowly rising from her chair again.

Regina keeps her gaze on Emma tilts her head and says 'There is an issue with some wetness if you will that I feel needs your attention' Emma now standing in between Reginas legs she slowly runs her hands up Reginas thighs. Reginas breath hitches at Emmas soft touch and bites her bottom lip to stop from moaning. Emma doesn't saying anything until her hands reach Reginas breasts. Emma leans in to Reginas ear 'Madam Mayor, I do believe you are cold' Emma states as he fingers softly and slowly brush against Reginas nipples through her lace bra. Regina closes her eyes and lets out a low moan while her head slowly moves from side to side.

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now