Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty-Five

2 Months Later...

After that night of the phone call from the infamous Sydney Glass things were calm in Storybrooke, however Regina was stressing because she was trying to choose between a sweetheart neck line wedding gown or a simple high neck. She threw her notepad on her desk and signed, *KNOCK KNOCK* 'come in' she shouted. As she looked up her face dropped and she grabbed her phone and dialled Emmas number, 'hello My Queen', Regina couldn't even speak 'Baby whats wrong?' 'he's here' was all Regina could get out and Emma knew who she was on about, she jumped up and told Regina not to hang up the phone.

'HANG UP NOW!' Sydney Glass shouted but never moved, he was so pleased that he didn't even register that Emma would be there within minutes, oh how wrong and delusional he was. Emma come bursting through the door and tackled a very surprised Sydney to the ground, 'how the hell did you know I was here?' he shouted David walked to Regina where she was rooted to the spot. 'Regina are you ok?' David asked quietly, all Regina could do was nod slowly.

Emma pulled Sydney to his feet with his hands cuffed behind his back and looked at Regina who was just staring into space, 'Dad take this piece of shit just now', she pulled out her phone and called other deputies to help assist. She slowly walked to Regina and stood infront of her 'baby are you ok?' Regina shook herself out of her daze and launched in Emmas arms and broke down. 'shhhh, baby I'm here your ok. I am so sorry' Emma started crying silently into Reginas neck, Regina pulled away slowly 'Emma baby why are you sorry? This isn't your fault, you came and saved me.'

Emma just looked at Regina who had a smile on her face 'baby I almost lost you and it took me ages to get here, I am so sorry I didn't know he was here let alone out.' Regina caressed Emmas cheek and gave her a sweet kiss 'Emma baby you were her literally 2/3 minutes tops, I am fine and safe he did not hurt me or even touch me.' Emma let out a breath that she didn't realise she was holding, 'I Love You' and hugged Regina tightly. Just then two deputies came rushing into Reginas office, 'Graham, Jefferson take this piece of shit to the cabin' Emma said without breaking eye contact with Regina.

Both Graham and Jefferson nodded 'Yes Boss!' Emma looked at David 'give us a minute dad?' David also nodded 'sure, ill be in the cruiser.' Emma nodded and turned to Regina, 'My Queen, there is something I have to do and I want you to understand why I have to do it.' Regina cupped Emmas cheeks and kissed her softly and put their foreheads together 'My Saviour, I understand what you need to do and all I am going to say is be careful because I want to marry you first thing tomorrow morning.'

Emma smiled like a cheshire cat, 'I promise My Queen, I will and I will give you the best last night of single life ever.'

'Go now before I change my mind' Regina laughed and waved her off. Emma went running out of the town hall and too the cruiser where David, Graham and Jefferson stood. 'What you want us to do boss?' Jefferson asked Emma looked at the three men and calmly said 'kill him!' the three men smiled and nodded in agreement. 'but....I want my face the last one he sees, deal?' David, Graham and Jefferson all said in unison 'deal!'

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now