Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six

*The Cabin in the Woods*

Sydney Glass was tied to a wooden chair in a dark cold room, he looked around trying to figure out where he was. 'wondering were you are, aren't you?' Sydneys body went ridged at the voice as he knew exactly who it was. 'You know when you were last in Storybrooke I told you id kill you if you ever went near Regina again, didn't I?' Emma said whilst sitting in the seat in front of him. Behind Emma was David, Graham and Jefferson, 'you won't do anything to me Sheriff Swan you know why?' Sydney asked with a smirk. 'Enlighten me Mr Glass' Emma said, Sydney sat as straight as he could and smiled 'because My Regina will NOT allow it, she was the one who invited me back to Storybrooke.'

Emma, David, Graham and Jefferson just looked at each other and just laughed. 'WHAT IS SO FUNNY?' Sydney shouted in frustration. 'You are funny, I'll give you that Glass' David said, Jefferson and Graham both went behind him and held his shoulders still and now Sydney was starting to worry. Emma stood up and went to the door and opened it. Regina walked in, 'Regina sweetheart please tell them that I am here because you asked me to come save you!' Regina ignored Sydney and sat in front of him with a smirk. What Sydney did not know was that Regina did in fact tell him to come back but only because he had to be stopped at all and any cost.

'Mr Glass, did you really think that I asked you back here to live happily ever after?' Regina asked very calmly. Sydney gulped now realising what his fate was to be. 'I knew after that call you made to MY fiancee Sheriff Swan that you would never stop, so I decided to stop you myself.' Emma smiled at Regina and was so turned on by her evil side. After Sydney had said that Regina asked him to return to Storybrooke Emma texted Regina.


My Sheriff: Madam Mayor I do believe Mr Glass has gave you up xx

Madam Mayor: What are you talking about? Xx

My Sheriff: Well...Mr Glass has said you invited him to save you? Xx

Madam Mayor: Well it was the only way I was going to be saved. So I told him to come save me when in fact I need saved from him and I knew you would go to extreme lengths to protect me xx

Madam Mayor: Please don't hate me My Saviour, I cant relax knowing he is always going to be behind me wherever I go and I would die if he ever hurt you and I can't lose you, EVER! Xx

My Sheriff: Get your ass over to the cabin Now! Xx

Madam Mayor: Yes Sheriff xx


So... Emma stood behind Regina and felt nothing but pride because her future wife was as sick and twisted as she was and Emma knew she had finally found her true love. Regina stood up and walked to the table that had numerous knifes on it and picked up the one that looked the bluntest and held it behind her back and stood in front of Sydney with a smirk 'Mr Glass, do you know what the best knife is to kill someone?' Sydney gulped and shook his head no. 'Well you see the best knife is the bluntest because it will hurt the most and causes a lot more damage and is 99% never to be found because of its bluntness.

At this point David, Graham and Jefferson were dying to get a taste of blood but had to wait til Emma gave the nod. Emma came and stood behind Her Queen, 'you ok My Queen?' asking seductively in her ear and all Regina could do was sign, close her eyes and breathe out 'Yes, My Saviour' and with that Regina thrusted the blunt knife into Sydneys thigh and he gave out a mighty scream that could've been heard for miles but that was covered by Emma, David, Graham and Jefferson.

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now