Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Emma was the first to wake up which was not like her, she always groaned and cursed when she had to get out of bed. Regina on the other hand was an early riser well with being Mayor and all she needs to be up and ready at a moments notice. Emma sighed and smile at the sight that was still lying in her arms and she kissed Reginas forehead and pulled her even closer, and with that Emma fell back asleep.

Regina woke up and she was still in Emmas arms, she looked up at Her Sheriff and smiled, and rested her chin on her chest. After about 5mins Regina began gently peppering kisses on Emmas face, Emma moaned low but Regina heard it so she decided to keep going. Emmas moans became that little bit louder as Regina began working her way down Emmas chest and stomach, Regina stopped at her intended destination and licked her lips.

Regina smiled and as she took Emmas cock in her mouth Emma arched her back and moan loud and with that Regina moaned and the vibrations from Reginas moans hit Emma cock like nothing ever did before. Emmas eyes shot open and she looked at what was happening she came right there and then because Regina looked at her and with that eye contact Emma had never seen anything so hot and such a turn on that Regina sucking her cock whilst staring right into her eyes.

Emma came in Reginas mouth and Regina swallowed it all. Regina slowly crawls up Emmas body with a predatory look in her eye, when she crawled into Emmas lap she began grinding slowly on Emmas cock which made Emma rock hard again. Regina noticing this slipped her hand in between their bodies and slowly stroked Emmas cock, both Regina and Emma moaned at the feeling and with that Regina slid Emmas cock in her soaking wet pussy and they both sighed with pleasure.

Regina began grinding on Emmas cock, Emma held her hips and began thrusting in and out of her to the same rhythm Regina was going. As they were both in such a state of pleasure Emma swiftly and quickly turned them so Regina was under Emma and Emma began thrusting into Reginas wet pussy just as hard and fast and deeper than she was last night. Regina began screaming Emmas name like she was being murdered.

Emma smiled and started sucking on her hard nipples, making sure to give each one the same amount of attention and pleasure. Regina was now at the point of no return and her breathing became erratic, Emma did not stop 'your MINE Regina, and mine only' Regina moaned and kissed Emma like her life depended on it. 'Emma I'm going to explode, please do NOT stop!'

With that both Emma and Regina came together and just lay there for a few minutes. 'Morning My Queen,' 'Morning My Sheriff.'

After a very pleasant morning it was about 10am and both Emma and Regina decided to get up and go for breakfast to Granny's Diner. Emma took Reginas hand and laced their fingers together and walked to Granny's Diner. Upon entering Granny's there was a bit of atmosphere, Regina looked at Emma who was just as confused. Ruby walked up to them with a massive smile on her face and greeted us while we slid in our booth.

'Well...Good Morning Ladies, what can I get you both?' Emma looked at Ruby and then past her when she saw a couple people whispering and looking over at us. 'Rubes what the hell is with everyone?' 'You don't no?' Ruby replied tilting her head. 'Ruby what are you talking about?' Regina chimed in as she was getting inpatient. 'we all need to talk, but not here ok? I'll put your orders in' Ruby stated and walked away.

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now