Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Regina was now worried out her mind because Emma, Her Emma, Her Sheriff wasn't answering her calls which she didn't blame her for and she didn't know what to do. Regina dialed Mary-Margarets number 'Hey have you heard from Emma?' Regina asked, 'No I haven't' replied Mary-Margaret she asks Ruby if Emma has messaged her at all and Ruby says no. 'I have called her and left a couple messages but shes not answering or returning my calls and I'm worried! What if I've lost her for what I did?' 'Regina thats not gonna happen ok, have you tried the loft?' Mary-Margaret asked. Regina said no but she will.

*knock knock*

Regina was at Emma door but she didn't answer, so Regina used her key. The loft was silent and dark, no lights were on so Regina made her way to Emmas bedroom. Regina sighed at the sight that was before her, Emma was cuddled up on her side with one of Reginas t-shirts against her cheek and she was still crying but sleeping at the same time. Regina practically ran to Emmas side and softly caressed her cheek and softly peppered kisses over her face.

'Emma baby, please wake up, I need you to wake up' Regina whispered in Emmas ear and Emmas eyes shot open and she began crying all over again. 'Oh My God Baby whats wrong?' Regina asked as she climbed in next to Emma in the bed. 'You were the best thing that ever happened to me Regina and I am so sorry I fucked it up, I fuck up everything but I will let you go. I just want you to be happy' Emma said in between tears and breathing. Regina looked at her worried 'Emma baby what are you talking about?' Emma sat up 'clearly I did something for you to hate me so much to the point you told me not to touch you and you stormed off.' Regina began crying knowing she was the one that fucked up, 'No No baby, you did nothing it was me and I am so sorry, please forgive?'

Emma looked at her still crying 'you still love me?' she asked Regina. 'oh my god YES Emma of course I do, NOTHING will stop me loving you!' Regina stated while she cupped Emmas face and kissed her lips softly. 'I am so sorry I snapped at you I didn't mean to and I was angry at Dorothy not you baby. I am so so sorry' Regina said and Emma jumped into Reginas arms and kissed her like she was back from the dead. Emma gave a small smile 'I forgive you My Queen.' Emma cuddled into Regina, 'So who was that woman?' Emma asked. Regina sighed 'come get some food and ill explain' Regina said while she got up from the bed. 'Ok.' Emma followed behind her.

Her Queen, Her SheriffWhere stories live. Discover now