Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One

So after Regina explained everything about Dorothy aka Kansas (to Ruby) and what she did to her friend Ruby Emma was livid and wanted nothing more than to punch her lights out and throw her over the town line. 'Emma baby I know how you feel but we can't do that' Regina said with a sigh, 'why not?' Emma asked with a bit of a raised voice. Regina just smiled and kissed Her Sheriff 'because My Love you are the towns Sheriff and I am the towns Mayor. As much as I would love nothing more than to hurt that bitch like she hurt Ruby we can't!'

Emma sighed and agreed with Regina, 'how is she?' Emma asked Regina and all Regina could do was shrug and say 'only time will tell, but I think it's gonna be hard for her because Dorothy seems to be staying here in Storybrooke.' Emma shook her head 'Is she fuck!' Emma said and through gritted teeth said 'Ill find something on her and get her removed from Storybrooke, I am not letting her hurt Ruby again!' All Regina could do was smile at how protective Her Emma was.

The next morning both Regina and Emma walked hand in hand towards Mary-Margarets house but where stopped by Dorothy. Emma was seething 'Dorothy you need to leave Storybrooke and never come back!' Emma said through gritted teeth. 'Why would I do that' Dorothy stated with a smile and Regina couldn't help but punch her in the face. 'WOAH Babe!' Emma said looking at Regina 'where did that come from?' Emma asked trying not to sound happy. Regina looked at Emma and calmly said 'I will see you at Mary-Margarets baby, don't be long!'

Emma stood looking at Dorothy as she stumbled back to her feet and thought it was a good idea to state confidently, 'good luck with that crazy bitch!' Emma grabbed Dorothy and smashed her against the wall 'DON'T YOU EVER CALL MY FIANCEE A CRZY BITCH AGAIN!' At this point Dorothy was scared and all she could do was say sorry. Emma let her go and she stumbled a bit to get her balance, 'So the Mayor is slumming it with the towns Sheriff, didn't know she was into the working class!' Dorothy said with a smirk on her face.

Emma stepped back and shook he head, 'You just can't help yourself can you? Oh and If you go near Ruby ever again I will make your like a living hell!' Emma said while she walked away before she done some serious damage. Regina was sitting talking with Mary-Margaret in her kitchen about what to do with Dorothy and how to keep her away from Ruby. 'Where is Wolfie anyways?' Regina asked 'shes still sleeping, she didn't sleep well at all last night' Mary-Margaret said with a sad smile.

Emma walked in and asked the same question Regina did and received the same answer. Emma was pacing the living room while Regina and Mary-Margaret made tea and coffee for them. 'Emma honey, please sit you'll put a hole in my floor!' Mary-Margaret softly scolded her daughter. Emma give a shy smile 'sorry mom I'm just worried about Rubes and wondering how we are going to keep that bitch away from her' Emma said while she sighed and sat next to Regina on the couch.

Mary-Margaret looked at Emma and Regina 'What do we do?' She asked hoping that they knew the right answer. 'I could just kill her and bury her in the woods?' Emma said with a straight face 'SHERIFF SWAN!' 'EMMA!' both Mary-Margaret and Regina said at the same time. Emma shrug and said 'I was kidding, JEEZZZ!' In Emmas mind she actually wasn't, Ruby was her best friend and would do anything to help her.

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