Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

So after a very long day of shopping and lunch and gossip the four women where walking into Granny's for dinner before heading back to Reginas to watch movies and have a few drinks. Ruby was stop dead in her tracks when she seen who was standing at the counter, 'Kansas?' Ruby whispered. A woman with brown hair turned round and when she seen Ruby all she could say was 'Wolfie?' Ruby about turned and ran from the diner. 'Rubes wait!' Emma shouted but Ruby just ignored her.

Regina walked up to the brown haired woman and slapped her across the face. 'LEAVE NOW!' Regina shouted at her. 'Please I just want to speak with her, I promise thats all I want' the brunette said. Emma and Mary-Margaret just stood there glaring at the woman who they knew as Kansas from Ruby. 'Why did you come back? Do you know how broken she was and still is?' Regina hissed at the brunette. Emma walked up behind Regina and touched her arm Regina turned round and screamed at Emma 'DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME!' and stormed out. Emma was in shock and all Mary-Margaret could do was apologise to Emma and go after regina. Emma turned to face the brunette and hissed 'What the fuck did you do?'

Ruby sat on a bench in the park crying both Regina and Mary-Margaret walked up to her and gave her a cuddle. 'I'm so sorry Wolfie, are you ok?' Regina asked. 'Why did she have to come back? I mean I was happy and I had finally gotten over her and what she did!' Ruby sobbed. Regina looked at Ruby, 'I can have her removed from Storybrooke and she will NEVER return' Regina stated. 'Yeah she wont be able to get to you we wont let her honey' Mary-Margaret said with a small smile.

'Reggie you shouldn't have snapped at Emma.' Ruby said Reginas face fell 'Shit! I just felt a hand on me and snapped, shes gonna end things isn't she?' Regina said with her hands over her face. Regina started to cry silently 'What? No WAY! Ems loves you more than herself Reggie I bet shes really worried!' Ruby said 'Yeah why don't we take a rain check and meet up tomorrow and Regina you need to speak with Emma' Mary-Margaret stated with a strict voice. Regina nodded and walked off to find Emma, Mary-Margaret and Ruby walked off towards Mary-Margarets house.

Emma was sat in her Loft apartment with tears in her eyes wondering what the hell happened in Granny's and why Regina was like that. She heard her phone ring for the tenth time and again chose to ignore it because she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone especially Regina. Emma walked off to her bathroom to take a shower and try and forget what happened. Emma thought to herself 'what did I do?' she had all these questions in her head and began to question something she never thought she would have to 'Does Regina actual love me? Am I just a distraction for something?'

By the time Emma got into her shower she just slid down the wall and began crying harder than before at the thought of losing Regina, Her Queen, Her Madam Mayor the love of her fucking life who she wants to marry and have children with. But the way Regina spoke to her in Granny's she was not only shocked but Regina just left with no explanation or reason as to why she snapped at Emma.

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