› special servant. lee hyein ‹

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> warning : nothing.
> fluff
> this is trash tbh
> plot; y/n were princess hyein's servant. they were the same age. y/n was always hyein's friend from she was 3 years old to 15 years old.

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- hyein pov -

"come on, y/n! you're so slow!" i shout happily, leaving her behind me while i run to the garden where me and y/n like to play.

once we arrived, i looked behind me and saw y/n was trying to catch her breath as i giggle and pull her hand so we could rest on the hammock - her father build this for us.

just for the two of us.

"are you okay?" i asked her.

"yeah, i'm good. i just need to catch up with my breath" she told me.

"you need to exercise more, dummy!"

i laugh along with her. we spend our time here till i have to eat for lunch. we hold our hands together and walk to the lunch room.

"mother, can y/n sit with us?" i asked my mother for the... i missed the count but i have been asking her to let y/n sit with me whenever i have to eat since we were 3 years old.

"hyein, sweetie, you always know what my answer is" she smiles at me sweetly and glares at y/n. "go to where you are supposed to be" she said to y/n sternly.

y/n forced me to let go of her hand and i only watch her walk out of the lunch room with a gloomy face.

"mother. you don't have to be rude to her" i scolded my mother. "she is my friend. why won't you treat her like my other friends?"

"because she-"

"ah, i get it, mother. she was our servant so we have to treat her badly" i cut my mother off, mocking her. "think about it, mother. why would you judge people that aren't on the same level as you? because they are bad? poor? dirty? not taught properly?''

"i'm still wondering why you hate the poor or our servants so much. especially my friend, yoon y/n" i crossed my arm.

"lee hyein, you have no right to talk to me like that"

"like how you talk to y/n" i fire back and take the bread, running away from the lunch room to find y/n, ignoring mother who was shouting my name.

"Y/N!" i scream her name. "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" i shout her name again but i couldn't find her anywhere around her farmhouse. even the garden.

"aish, where is she?" i sighed and try to find her. even my tummy was hungry for food, i need to find y/n first so we could eat together.

after 10 minutes of trying my best to find y/n, i finally found her in a kinda scary forest. how can she even climb on the tree?

"y/n, get down!" i scolded her. "come on! let's eat bread together! i brought it just for you!" i shout.

"why won't you eat with your mother?"

"oh stop with the dumb question and get down" i'm starting to get irritated. she just stayed on the tree acting like i didn't sacrifice my throat to yell at her to get down. "yoon y/n. i command you to get down here. NOW!"

with that, she gets down with stands in front of me. "don't get mad. i'm just messing with you" she said.

"silly" i chuckled. then, i took out one piece of bread for her to eat. she takes it from me and we both eat in the forest. to be honest, it was peaceful more than my palace.

"y/n, do you know how much i adore you?" i asked her.

"here we go again" she lets out a soft chuckle. her head turn to the side to look at me. "yes, i know, my princess"

i feel my cheeks heat up. i don't feel like this before. what happened to me? do i have a feeling for y/n?

"y/n, have you ever been in love?" i ask her a question. i scoot closer to her and hug her wrist.

"no, but i know how it feels to have a feeling for someone" she answered.

"can you tell me?" i look at her with a wide smile. she glances at me as if she suspects something from me, but she still going to tell me about it anyway.

"you would feel the powerful urge to be connected to this person brings new aspects to your relationship, such as emotional or physical intimacy, passion, and a desire to know everything about them, and be known by them in return" she explains. "cut it out, what's the matter? do you like someone?"

"kind of?" i shrugged my shoulder.

"you're unbelievable" she scoffs and i could only laugh. perhaps, what y/n said is true; it's like i'm obsessed with her.

every time i wake up from sleep, i'll look for y/n. for all the things i will do, y/n will definitely be by my side. it was a need.

"if you don't mind, can i know the person you've been in love with?"

"it was you"


"you, it was you, y/n" i leaned close. "i've been in love with you, yoon y/n," i said and look at her lips before meeting her eyes back.

"hyein, y-you know this is wrong!" she backed away. "we can't like each other. we are the same gender!"

"it can when it's true love!" i hold her hands and lean close to her face.

"what d-do you know about true love?"

yeah, right. what do i know about true love? she must know it better.

"you... didn't like me?"

"i- i did! but we-"

i cut her off by kissing her lips to shut her up. i close my eyes tight and put my hands on her shoulders.

then, i stopped kissing her and cried. what am i doing? this is embarrassing.

"hyein, don't cry!" she hugs me. "why are you crying? stop crying!" she told me but all i can do is sob in her arms.

"we're girls and you said we can't date! i- i didn't know that love has obstacles!"

"hyein, love isn't always sweet" she cups my face. then, she wipes my tears and places a kiss on my forehead. "love can be hurt too"

"then, heal me" i puckered my lips. "if there is a broken heart, someone will surely take care of it!"

"hyein, my princess, maybe we walk in the same castle, but we don't have the same status. you are rich, i am poor. you are my princess and i am only your servant" she told me.

"y/n, please" i plead. "what about we make a deal?"

she sighs. "what is it?"

"one, be my girlfriend. second, be my girlfriend"

"are you okay?"

"i am not!"

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