› protective. lee hyein ‹

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> warning : nothing
> fluff
> plot; hyein is secretly dating y/n and when the members found out they become protective of hyein
> requested by Sprout06_

- 💌 -

- third person pov -

y/n and hyein have been on a few dates already and things are going really well. they enjoy having something special that is just the two of them and have become very close. the other members of the group start to get suspicious of hyein's behaviour because she is spending more and more time with y/n and keeping things secret. how will they find out the truth? will hyein and y/n be able to keep their relationship a secret for long?

"unnies!! can i go out? me and y/n planned to try out the cookies from the new cafe near our dorm!" hyein asked her members.

"oh? what cafe is this?" minji, one of the members asked.

"it's a new place that just opened up, they have the best cookies," hyein replied.

"can we come too?" danielle, another member asked.

"i-it's a small cafe, not really the kind of place for a group to go," hyein said, hoping her unnies wouldn't ask to come along.

"aww come on, let us come and try the cookies too!" hanni pleaded.

hyein was starting to get nervous, afraid that they would find out about her and y/n's secret dates. but her friends were persistent, and she eventually gave in. "okay, but only this once!" she said.

with the group happy, everyone got ready to head out. hyein was feeling anxious, knowing that y/n would be there, but she was determined to keep their relationship a secret. once they arrived at the cafe, they all ordered some cookies and began chatting. as they all sat together, hyein was careful not to look at y/n too much in case one of the other members noticed. but her heart was racing, and she could barely keep herself from smiling every time she looked at y/n.

as the girl-group continued their conversation, hyein and y/n stole glances at each other every now and then. they were both starting to feel the attraction building between them, but they tried to keep their feelings hidden from the rest of the group.

suddenly, one of the members, haerin noticed two hearts drawn on the coffee cups in front of hyein and y/n. "what's this?" she asked, pointing at the hearts.
before either hyein or y/n could reply, the group started to laugh and tease them.

hyein and y/n both turned bright red as the group began teasing them about their hidden romance. hyein couldn't believe she had been so careless to draw hearts on their coffee cups, and y/n looked worried that their secret might be exposed.

"o-oh, haha, i didn't even notice that!" hyein laughed awkwardly.

"is there something you two aren't telling us?" minji asked.

at that moment, y/n spoke up, saying "no, there's nothing to tell!" before looking at hyein with a teasing smirk.

hyein felt her heart racing as she realized that y/n wasn't going to let them keep their romance a secret. but they both knew that if their unnies found out, they would become protective of hyein and their secret dates would no longer be possible.

but the other members were starting to suspect something. one of them, hanni asked hyein, "why are you spending so much time with y/n?"

and minji asked, "are you two dating?"

hyein tried to play it cool, but she was starting to get scared that the truth would be exposed. she didn't want to make things worse by lying to her friends, so she just said, "no, we're just friends." but she could tell that her unnies weren't convinced.

"come on, we know you two have been hiding something from us,"

hyein was scared that if she lied to her unnies - they would be even more suspicious about her and y/n, but she also didn't want to tell them the truth. she was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and didn't know what to do.

as the group continued to pressure hyein for answers, she started to feel overwhelmed. she was unsure of what to say and didn't want to hurt her friends' feelings.

finally, after a few more moments of silence, she told the truth. "fine, we're dating. i didn't want to tell you guys because i didn't want you to be protective of me," hyein told her unnies, making them shocked by their maknae's confession.

"wait, really? you're dating y/n?" hanni asked in disbelief.

"y-yeah, we've been seeing each other for a while," hyein said, smiling to herself as she thought about all the time she'd been spending with y/n.

"why didn't you tell us sooner?" haerin asked.

"i was afraid you guys would be mad or not approve of our relationship," hyein said, pouting her lips.

the unnies looked at each other, and then back at hyein.

"well, we're not mad," minji said.

"we're actually happy for you," danielle continued.

hyein was relieved that her unnies approved of her relationship with y/n and wasn't mad at her for keeping it a secret. she just wished she hadn't been so worried to be honest with them earlier.

y/n looked at hyein, and then at the group. for a moment, it seemed like she was about to say something, but then she looked away and stayed quiet. it was as if she was still uncomfortable with showing her feelings for hyein in front of the group.

y/n was still hesitant to be open about their relationship, and hyein could tell. but hyein also knew that y/n cared for her, despite her reserved nature.

as the group continued to talk, y/n sat quietly, still feeling uncomfortable with showing her feelings for hyein in front of them. but then, hyein's phone buzzed with a text from y/n.

y/n <33 ( my love of my life !! )
i love you, hyein. and i'm glad you were brave enough to tell your unnies about us.
let's meet up later and have some cookies.
just the two of us.
i promise i'll be more open with them soon.

hyein <33 ( my gorgeous gf ever !! )

i love you too, darling
don't worry, it's okay that you're a bit reserved. i understand, and i'll be patient with you.


- timeskip -

a few hours later, hyein and y/n met up for their private date. they found a cute coffee shop and ordered the cookies that had drawn hearts on them earlier.

once they were settled into their booth, y/n looked at hyein and said, "i'm sorry i haven't been o-open with you or our friends. i just have a hard time showing my feelings, but i wanted you to know, i really do care about you and i'm so happy that we're together."

hyein smiled and took y/n's hand. "hey, it's fine, y/n. i understand. i'm so happy that we're together too, and i'm glad you're starting to open up more. let's just enjoy the moment, okay?"

y/n nodded and smiled. they both took a bite of their cookies, savoring the taste and enjoying each other's company. it was a little awkward at first, but as the sugar from the cookies flowed through their veins, their connection grew stronger.

the time together made hyein feel closer to y/n, and she could tell that the same was true for her. soon, their relationship would become even stronger than before.

suddenly, hyein received a call.



"you didn't tell your unnies?"


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