› breaking free. kim minji ‹

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> warning : curses, slight violence, slight smut and manipulative behavior.
> angst
> a little fluff in the end...?
> plot; y/n was trapped in a toxic relationship finds an unlikely source of escape – thanks to an affair with her boyfriend's assistant.

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- y/n pov -

heeseung was always so romantic, kind and charismatic — what was there not to love about him? from the moment i met him, i knew he was meant for me. and so, i fell, hard.

at first, the relationship was blissful as we fell in love with each other's hearts and dreams. but, as the months passed, the cracks started to show. i began to realize my sweetheart was actually a toxic narcissist who only cared about himself.

i began to notice how he would always put his own needs above mine, despite claiming to love me. he would manipulate me by making me doubt my own feelings, convincing me that i was crazy or overreacting whenever i tried to express my disapproval of his behaviour.

i was trapped in this vicious cycle until i met his assistant, kim minji, who was everything i wished my boyfriend could be – minji was a breath of fresh air, full of sweetness, empathy and compassion. she made me feel seen and heard, like it was okay to be who i truly am.

as i got to know minji, i could feel my feelings evolving into something deeper; she was everything i had been missing in my relationship with heeseung, and so i found myself drawn to her, attracted to her warmth and sincerity.

but, i felt guilty.

i had been so devoted to my toxic boyfriend that i found myself at a crossroads, caught between my heart and my mind.

how could i possibly leave behind the only life i had ever known and take a chance with someone new? i had so much to consider, but in the end, i knew what my heart truly desired.

"you've been crying," minji said gently as she lifted my chin – my eyes were red and swollen from the tears i had shed.

minji was kind enough to let me come to her apartment when heeseung and i got into fights. even though i was probably a burden to her, i just wanted some comfort.

"what did he do this time?" minji asked softly, brushing my hair and looking at me with her gentle but alluring eyes, her concern written all over her face.

"he said that i’m not as attractive as i used to be," i replied with a frown, feeling hurt by his words. "he said it’s no wonder he doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore. can you believe that?"

minji looked at me with sympathy. she knew how much this relationship was impacting my self-esteem, and hearing about heeseung's cruel remarks only made her feel more anger toward him.

"what a dick," she muttered. "you’re still beautiful and he’s an idiot for making you think otherwise."

"you’re just saying that," i sniffled.

"i mean it," minji replied sincerely. "you're stunning and don't let anyone make you feel less than that. not even him."

"i don't think he'll ever really understand how much he hurts me," i said quietly, feeling the weight of my insecurities heavy on my heart. "even though i've told him how much his words and actions hurt me, he still doesn't get it."

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