› trapped. kang haerin ‹

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> part two! <

> warning : curses, blood, murders, and violence.
> angsty horror
> can't believe i wrote this w/ a straight face
> plot; in conclusion, they all died ;)

- 💌 -

- third person pov -

"m-minji!" hanni shouted minji's name. she saw minji was walking, but didn't even stop when hanni called her from a distance. as if she was being controlled.

they were in the woods. hanni had no idea how they ended up being there. and hanni didn't even know where is the way out. but she has to chase minji before things get worse.

"minji! c-come back!" hanni chase minji who just crossed the bridge. hanni wide her eyes when she saw minji was about to jump off the bridge. "w-wait! minji!!"

she then sprinted as fast as she could to save her friend minji, but it was too late when minji had already jumped off the bridge without even looking back.

hanni looked down the bridge with her eyes wide in terror. her breath becomes heavy and her heart was racing to see a dead minji. "m-minji... why..." she was out of words. she then hears something calling out her name. her breath hitched when she glimpse a scary figure floating near the trees.


hanni started to run away in an attempt to get away from the scary figure. she was running, her mind could only think of escape.

yet, the whispers are everywhere and it makes hanni scared to death.

unfortunately, she stumbled onto rocks - she fell and her body rolled down till her head hit the huge stone. just like that, hanni died.

meanwhile, danielle was shrieking, her hands were still covering her ears and she kept hearing the voices. "l-leave me alone... p-please!" she begs and cries out of dread.


she continued running from place to place and eventually, she stopped at a cliff. beneath it is all wood. it is also full of stones. if she falls, it can cause death.

"jump! jump! jump!"

the voices whispering to her incessantly made her irritated and uncomfortable. she then fell on her knees and wailed.

then, it stopped.

danielle stopped crying and realized the whispers are gone. she slowly stands up and looks around; there's nothing.

as she was about to find the others, the breeze was so powerful that danielle fell from the top.

and she died.

- timeskip -

- y/n pov -

"hyein?" i tilted my head when i saw hyein was crying in the corner of the empty classroom. the room smelled like a rotten corpse.

geez, how can she get here?

"hey? hyein? is that you?" i limply walk to her. i put my hand on her shoulder as she stops crying and flinches when she saw me.

"y/n!" she exclaimed and hugged me tightly. "w-we have to find the others before leaving! t-this place is scary!" she cries out. "i saw a monster earlier! it scares me!"

"let's find the others," i said and told her to follow me from behind.

"what happened to your left leg?"

"better if you just stay curious" i replied as i glanced at her. she looked terrified. "just stay close to me and you'll be fine-"

i was cut off by a demonic scream from nowhere. i covered my ears because it was too loud. i glanced at hyein who just run away from me, leaving me alone.

"y-yah! hyein! don't run! we have to stick together!"

i began to chase her from behind. then, i heard a loud scream from afar making me fasten my speed to find hyein.

as i stood at the top of the stairs, my eyes widened in horror as i witnessed hyein slipping and falling down the stairs, her life ending with a broken neck.

words failed to capture the shock and pain i felt as i watched hyein die in such a tragic way. i'm stunned into silence as i struggled to comprehend the cruel irony of fate.


- timeskip -

while i was trying to find haerin, i was feeling uneasy because i felt like i'm being watched. however, i tried to shrug it off and keep finding ways to leave.

then, i glimpse a familiar figure. i saw haerin crying in front of me. i wide my eyes and stepped closer slowly.


she turns around and our eyes met. her eyes were glassy and she hugs me tightly while sobbing. "i'm glad we met again! i just saw minji running out of the school without us!"

"really?" i clenched my jaw, earning a nod from haerin. i didn't respond and i started bringing her out of the haunted school. "we need to leave too, there's no possibility to find the others" i declared so that she didn't know that the others are dead.

i did not hear any response from haerin so i just continued my walk. suddenly, i couldn't walk further. i look behind me and saw haerin smirking as she walks in front of me, tracing her fingers on my face.

"well, well, i think this pathetic girl i was using has had a crush on you since you were kids, huh?" her voice changed. so as her eyes. "what a loser"

"fuck you" i cursed. "you took all of my friends' life! fucker!" i roared while attempting to punch her face but i can't.

"a teen girl like you and your silly little friends shouldn't be here and leave!" she screamed in front of me. "HOW DARE YOU COME TO THIS PLACE WITH NO SHAME!?"

but then, she smirked. "you know what? it would be better if i feed myself with your pathetic soul!" she laughs. "you didn't even want to live... did you?"

i bite my lower lips. she's right. i didn't even want to live. i want my parents to stop fighting. i want to live like normal teens. the life i've been through... is such a hell...

"so, y/n, get ready to be with your silly pathetic little friends" she declared as she smirks.

i only watch her, helpless and afraid, the entity loomed over me, stealing my life force with every breath.

and that's how my life ended.

- timeskip -

- third person pov -

a group of police officers arrived at the abandoned school to investigate mysterious reports from after six teen girls reported missing - they entered with caution, their guns raised as tension hung heavy in the air. with their flashlights out, they started searching the building.

it didn't take long for them to discover the grisly sight before them, of five girls who had met their doom in the most horrible ways imaginable. as the reality sunk in, the officers slowly backed away and quickly called for backup while maintaining the scene for investigation.

but, there's one teen girl left missing. no one finds her body or catches sight of her anywhere - the case remains mysterious after the polices try their best to find the missing haerin.

well, where does she go actually?

no one knows.

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