› diagnosis: love . kim minji ‹

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> warning : nothing ig
> angst and fluff ??
> i'm having fun writing this shit >:)
> plot; READ.

- 💌 -

- third person pov -

two months have passed since minji's last visit with her patient y/n, and minji's heart feels full of love as she walks down the hallway to y/n's room.

she's been looking forward to seeing y/n again, and her heart feels warmed at the thought of how far y/n has come in this time.

as minji opens the door to y/n's room, she smiles at the sight of y/n sitting in her chair, waiting for minji.

"hi, y/n!" minji says cheerfully. "it's so good to see you again."

y/n smiles back, "hello, minji." y/n looks a little bit healthier than she did the last time minji came to see her, and seems to be in a good mood.

"how have you been, y/n?" minji asks politely. "any new developments since i last saw you?" minji wonders if y/n has made any progress, whether it's with her trauma or her overall health.

"i've been good," y/n replies. "nothing really new happened. i've been doing well." y/n then looks down at the floor, as if she has something to say but isn't sure how to share it with minji.

"can i say something to you, minji?" y/n looks up at minji again as she takes a deep breath.

"of course, y/n," minji says gently, "i'm here to listen."

"remember... when we had that hug, before?" y/n asks shyly, as if she's still not quite sure if she can say the words.

minji nods slightly, as if she knows what y/n is trying to refer to. "yes, y/n, i remember."

"i... i've been thinking about when we had that hug, before," y/n says quietly.
"i think... i think i love you, minji,"

"i think about your words every day," y/n continues. "i-i asked the other nurses about love, and they told me that they don't think that's what this is. that i'm just getting attached to you, and confusing it with love."

minji looks at y/n, and feels her heart aching for her patient - y/n seems to be struggling with the idea of love, and seems to be trying to understand if what she's feeling is truly love or something different.

"i don't know what this feeling is," y/n said. "but whatever it is... i don't think it can be something bad. this... this feeling just... it makes me feel so safe, and so warm. and when you're not here... i really miss you."

it seems like y/n is still struggling to understand her feelings, but minji can see how much they mean to her - love is too powerful but difficult to describe.

"minji?" y/n slowly looks up to minji, and her voice sounds like it's starting to crack as she tries to get out her next words. "can... can i try to ask you something?" she pauses for a moment, as if gathering her nerve. "minji, can i ask you... can i ask you if you love me back?"

"y/n, i..." minji says hesitantly, as if she's trying to find the right words to say. "i can definitely say that i care a lot about you. you've become so important to me... and i want you to know that you matter a lot to me. in a way, it's like i'm caring and loving you. is that... i-is that what you mean?" minji looks down at the floor, as if she doesn't want to see y/n's reaction to her words.

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