› from afar. ban heesoo ‹

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> warning ; nothing ig??
> fluff
> idk...
> plot; heesoo likes to take lots of pictures. not as much as the quiet girl who likes to read whom she admired from afar.

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- third person pov -

heesoo had always been passionate about photography, spending her free time taking pictures and editing them. she had even won a few awards for her work.

but more than anything, she admired the quiet girl in school who always had her nose in a book. heesoo admired the way she seemed lost in her own world, so different from the other students who were always out to party or socialize.

one day, as she was walking to class, heesoo spotted the quiet girl taking a picture of a flower. heesoo was surprised, realizing that they shared the same passion for photography.

heesoo approached the quiet girl after class and introduced herself, her voice full of energy and joy. she started by complimenting the girl's photo, asking her what kind of camera she used and what kind of photography she liked.

the quiet girl was surprised by heesoo's confidence and excitement, and at first, she didn't know how to respond. but soon, she started to open up, and they ended up talking for a long time about their interest in photography.

they talked for a long time, and the quiet girl realized that she and heesoo had more in common than photography. they both liked to draw and read and had similar senses of style. heesoo even introduced the quiet girl to a few of her friends, and they all got along great.

one night, when heesoo and her friends; minji, hanni, danielle marsh, haerin, and hyein were having a sleepover - the girls were all gathered together, snacks, drinks, and blankets in tow, ready to enjoy a night of fun, games, and giggles.

heesoo took a deep breath, steeling herself as she gathered up her courage to share her secret with her friends.
"hey guys," heesoo said, her voice quiet and her expression hopeful. "i... i need to tell you something. i have a crush on hong y/n."

hanni and danielle let out soft shrieks, their eyes shining with delight. minji and haerin exchanged glances of excitement, while hyein laughed lightly and nodded her head.

"oh, heesoo, how cute!" said minji, her tone playful.

"heesoo, of course you have a crush on her. hong y/n is super cute," added haerin, her tone teasing but also sympathetic.

"oh, you have a crush on her? that's your adorable!!" danielle said in a playful tone as she laughed.

"heesoo, you've got to tell y/n how you feel!!" hanni said, her voice full of encouragement and excitement.

"i know... but i'm so scared! i'm afraid she won't feel the same way, and then everything will be awkward. do you really think i should tell her?"

a chorus of yes's came in response from her friends.

"come on heesoo! you have to tell her! you'll never know if she feels the same way unless you tell her." said hyein, her voice full of encouragement and excitement.

"ok, y-you're right... i'm going to do it. i'll tell her tomorrow when i see her at school."

minji and the other girls cheered in encouragement, showing their support for heesoo's decision. she was still a bit nervous, but a bit more confident knowing that her friends were there for her.

that night, the girls had a sweet and fun sleepover, spending the evening bonding over snacks and gossiping about their classmates. as they were lying in bed talking, heesoo couldn't help but feel the nerves building up inside her for the next day at school.

the next day at school, heesoo found herself feeling increasingly tense and anxious as she walked towards her crush.

the closer she got to hong y/n, the more nervous she became.

her friends were with her, but that didn't make it any easier. in fact, it made it even harder knowing that they were all expecting her to confess her feelings.

but finally, heesoo gathered up all her courage and walked up to y/n, her heart beating quickly. she took a deep breath and then began her confession.

"y/n, i need to tell you something."

y/n looked up from her phone, surprised to see heesoo standing right in front of her.

"y/n... i like you. a lot. i've liked you for a very, very long time. i'm sorry if that's weird, but i've just wanted to tell you for so long."

heesoo gulped, feeling embarrassed and relieved at the same time. her friends were standing behind the wall, watching heesoo and she could almost feel their anticipation in the air.

after a moment, heesoo noticed that y/n's expression had changed to one of surprise, then a warm smile spread across her face.

"i-i like you, too, heesoo. i was afraid to say anything because of how great our friendship had been, and i didn't want to risk losing that. but i've wanted to tell you for a long time."

heesoo's eyes widened, and she felt her heartbeat quicken. she was overcome with a mix of surprise, excitement, and joy. however, heesoo was so surprised and overwhelmed that her legs gave out, and she slumped to the ground, fainting out of joy, making her friends rush to her side, panicking and worried about what had happened.

"i think it was a shock of joy," said haerin as she sat down next to heesoo. "she's too happy, i guess."

y/n laughed softly, then bent down and helped heesoo sit up. "sorry," she said, a warm smile on her face, "i think i was too surprised."

- timeskip -


THAT WAS EMBARRASSING!!" heesoo yelled out beside y/n - school ended a while ago and they were about to leave.

"it's fine. i don't mind" y/n said, glancing at heesoo's hand that was holding her hand. a blush appeared on her cheeks as she smiled shyly.

"but- you saw me faint like a loser!" heesoo claimed, whining. "my friends are probably going to tease me about it all the time"

before y/n could say anything, a strong grip around y/n's neck appeared from behind, making y/n almost stumble to the front and gasp in shock.

it was her younger stepsister, hong eunchae.

if you want to compare, y/n and eunchae's behavior is very different - y/n is the quiet and shy type. meanwhile, eunchae are noisy and mischievous type.

"looks like my shy sister got a girlfriend now, huh!!" eunchae stated, loosening her grip around her stepsister's neck to avoid y/n suffocating.

after that, eunchae stands up in front of heesoo and y/n with a big smile. heesoo was staring at her with confusion, slowly realizing that eunchae was y/n's younger stepsister.

"congratulations, gays!!" eunchae shouted out loud. "i'm happy for you!! may your relationship last forever!"

"oh, thank you, sweethea-"

"eunchae, y-you better stop!" y/n cut heesoo off and hid behind heesoo, hugging her from behind.

eunchae stuck out her tongue before looking at heesoo. "so you're heesoo, i suppose?" eunchae asked.


"oh, so, heesoo unnie," eunchae stood in front of the latter with a mischievous smile on her face. "y/n unnie has told me a lot about y-"

before eunchae could finish the words, y/n quickly covered eunchae's lips. "shhh, i'm going to kill you for tonight"

"aren't you going to tell me more about heesoo unnie-"


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