› fever. lee hyein ‹

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> warning : nothing.
> fluff
> plot; just hyein taking care of y/n, her girlfriend.

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- third person pov -

"hyein!" jaehyun greets his younger sister's girlfriend warmly. "are you here to check on y/n? she's been under the weather lately."

"yes," hyein replies with a soft smile. "i just wanted to make sure she's okay and see if she needs anything."

jaehyun nods. "that's kind of you. y/n will be happy to see you. she's been holed up in her room"

hyein follows jaehyun towards y/n's room, carrying a bag with a few essential items. when she arrives, jaehyun knocks on the door.

"y/n? hyein's here to see you." he opens the door slightly, letting hyein step into the room.

inside, y/n is curled up in bed, still looking pale and worn from her illness. she spots hyein and manages a weak smile. "hi, hyein."

"y/n, how are you feeling?" hyein asks, sitting down next to her.

"i'm not feeling so great," y/n replies. her voice is hoarse and she seems even more tired than before.

hyein places her bag on the bed and pulls out a few items from it. "i've come prepared with a few remedies." she smiles, offering some herbal tea and a soft blanket, as well as some cold medicine to help reduce y/n's fever.

"jaehyun oppa told me how you've been feeling," hyein says lovingly. "let me take care of you today."

hyein gently helps y/n sit up and takes care to make sure she's comfortable. she then starts to make the tea as y/n looks up at her with grateful eyes.

after a few minutes, the tea is ready and hyein gives it to y/n. "drink this, it'll help warm you up and make you feel better."

y/n takes the tea and sips it. she feels instantly better. "it's delicious," she says, looking at hyein. "thank you."

hyein smiles. "i also brought some medicine for your fever," hyein says, handing y/n a small glass of liquid medicine.

y/n takes it and swallows the liquid. almost immediately, she feels her symptoms begin to ease.

"feeling better?" hyein asks. y/n nods.
"you should try to get some rest now," hyein says. "i'll stick around until you fall asleep."

- timeskip -

hyein hears the door to the house open and close. not long after, jaehyun walks into y/n's room. he spots hyein sitting in a chair next to his sister. hyein glances at him and smiles.

"how's y/n doing?" jaehyun asks softly.

hyein looks over at y/n, who is still asleep. "she's doing much better now. i think the medicine and the tea helped. she's sleeping peacefully now." hyein smiles at jaehyun warmly as she speaks.

jaehyun approaches hyein and lightly touches her shoulder. "thank you for staying here with her. i know it's a little late to be coming home. it makes me feel better knowing y/n had company."

hyein nods her head and stands up to hug jaehyun. "it's no problem! i'm glad y/n is feeling better."

jaehyun returns the hug for a couple of seconds and then releases hyein. "i'll be in the living room if you need me," he says, turning to walk out the door.

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