› for the one i love. kang haerin ‹

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> warning : violence and curses?
> fluff
> "if she wanted to, she would"
> plot; read.

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- third person pov -

"this is the twelfth time you arrived to our date late" haerin complained - y/n has always been late to her and haerin's dates lately. how many times has she he been scolded by haerin and y/n still hasn't changed.

y/n was actually quite complacent. she just needs to leave her bad attitude.

"i'm sorry, haerin, but i just-"

y/n cut herself off because she knew it was no use explaining. haerin had been waiting for her at their usual spot for over 10 minutes, and in spite of y/n's repeated apologies, haerin still seemed irritated.

"you know how important these dates mean to me." haerin said, glaring at y/n. "don't you realize how disrespectful it is to keep making me wait for you? don't you know how much this hurts me?"

"haerin-" y/n started, but haerin cut her off before she could say anything.

"stop it, y/n. just don't. don't start with the excuses again. every time you do this, it's always the same damn thing. 'i'm sorry, it won't happen again,' and then you do it again. and again. and again."

y/n stood silent, not sure what to say. haerin wasn't wrong about that. y/n had been late to their dates more often than not.

"haerin, i know i've messed up. i-i'm sorry, i really am." y/n said, her voice shaking with guilt. "please, give me a chance to make it up to you. i won't do it again, i promise."

haerin looked at y/n with a skeptical expression, but ultimately decided to give her another chance. "fine. one more chance. but that's it. if you're late for our date again, i'm done with our relationship. do you understand?"

y/n nodded sheepishly, breathing a sigh of relief. "yeah. i understand."

"good. i'm ready to go now, if you're done with your little apology." haerin said, turning away from y/n and walking over to the park bench they had chosen for their date.

"wait, haerin, wait! can't we talk about this?" y/n said, scrambling to catch up with her girlfriend. "i just wanted to say that it won't happen again, and that i promise i'll be better."

however, haerin didn't respond.

"haerin, please," y/n begged. "w-wait! i wanted to buy everything for us today, to make up for being late to our date. i want to show you that i still care about you, that i'm trying to be better."

haerin turned to look at y/n, considering her girlfriend's offer. "alright, i guess." she said at last. "as long as this doesn't happen again, i will give you another chance. but you're buying everything today, all right?"

"yes, of course," y/n said, a small smile spreading across her face. "thank you, haerin."

haerin simply rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything else. together, the two of them walked off towards the local cafe, where y/n would pay for everything as a way to make up for her tardiness.

- the next day -

y/n woke up from her sleep and let out a soft groan. she stretches herself on the bed before reaching for her phone beside her table.

today's date we will meet at the same place at 12 noon.
at the exact time.
not even a minute late.

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