› cigarettes. hanni pham ‹

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> warning : nothing.
> fluff
> don't smoke y'all 🚭🚭
> plot; hanni helped y/n avoid her cigarettes addiction.

- 💌 -

- hanni pov -

i woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of cigarette smoke wafting in from the balcony. i knew the smell all too well and the realization struck me; y/n was smoking again.

my heart sank as i remembered the empty promises and the lies she told me. but deep down, i wasn't surprised. i knew it was only a matter of time before this happened again.

y/n was a smoker who usually lit up when she was stressed. she often had a lot on her mind, but it was hard for her to express her feelings with words. the nicotine seemed to calm her, or at least it did for a little while - for your information, she had been trying to quit for a while, but the stress always drew her back in.

i slipped on my oversized shirt and short pants back before slowly walking towards y/n. "you told me you were quitting smoking," i said softly as i stood next to y/n.

y/n sighed as she took a drag of her cigarette and then exhaled a thick cloud of smoke into the night air. "i know," she said quietly, "i'm trying."

i leaned against the railing of the balcony and looked out at the night sky. a warm breeze blew through my hair, and i couldn't help but wonder if she ever thought about quitting for good.

"you don't have to try," i said, turning towards her, my voice low and gentle, "you can do it."

y/n laughed softly and took another drag of her cigarette. "that's easy for you to say," she said with a snort, "you've never been a smoker. you've never understood how hard it is to quit."

i stayed silent for a moment, watching her smoke and trying to think of what to say. "i know it's hard," i finally said, "but you can do it if you really want to."

y/n sighed heavily and shook her head. "it's so easy to say that, but it's not that simple, you know." y/n took another drag of her cigarette and looked at me through the smoke. "but i do want to quit," she said, "i really do. i've tried so many times, but i'm always drawn back in when i'm stressed."

i smiled gently at her and reached out my hand to take her cigarette. y/n looked up at me with surprise but let me take it from her anyway.

"it's time to give this up for good," i said softly, and then i threw the cigarette over the railing into the night air.

y/n stared at me in disbelief for a moment, and then she started to laugh softly. "you're crazy, you know that?" she said. she hugged me tightly, burying her face in my shoulder as she thanked me over and over again.

"it's no problem," i said, my arms wrapped around her, "i just want to see you get better and live a healthier life."

y/n pulled away and looked at me with bright eyes. "i'm so glad i married you," she said, a wide smile spread across her face.

i laughed softly and pulled y/n close to me again, holding her tightly. "i'm glad too," i said, my voice full of love. i kissed her gently on the forehead and then we both leaned against the railing of the balcony, watching the stars in the night sky and feeling the warm breeze on our skin.

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