› misfortune. newjeans ‹

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> part two !! <

> warning : curses, violence, sensitive joke and negative thoughts.
> angst
> live, love, laugh, kim minji
> plot; read.

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- third person pov -

after the forensic examination of y/n, the police and the media picked up on the news - the news of what had happened to y/n was quickly made public.

this caused controversy and debate in the music industry and among fans of newjeans. some people were upset about the news and worried about how it would affect the group's image and career.

others were sympathetic to y/n and were glad that the police could now track down and capture the culprit. there was a lot of media attention and buzz around y/n, and the group in general.

y/n was in her room, feeling down and not like herself. she was scrolling through social media and came across some comments that stole her attention.

the comments were making light of the incident and making jokes that she found to be hurtful and insensitive.

y/n felt a wave of sadness and anger come over her as she read them, feeling like she had been unfairly targeted and mocked for something that was not her fault. these comments made her feel even more alone and isolated, and she felt overwhelmed by her emotions. she had to put her phone away and take a moment to collect herself.

y/n began to blame herself and think negative thoughts. she thought that maybe this incident was somehow her fault and that she had brought this upon herself. she began to feel guilty and ashamed, and the pain and humiliation became even worse. she started to beat herself up for letting this happen, and she felt like a failure and that maybe she didn't deserve to be a part of newjeans anymore.

y/n sat in front of her mirror, staring at herself and trying to make sense of all that had happened. she didn't recognize the girl in the mirror and she hated what she saw. "why me? what did i do wrong? i never wanted this to happen to me."

her thoughts started spiraling as her self-blame began to get out of hand. she couldn't understand why she had let herself get into that situation, and the more she blamed herself. the negative and self-deprecating thoughts grew louder and louder.

y/n turned away from her mirror and buried her face in her hands, feeling too ashamed and hurt to look at herself. "why were you so stupid that night? you should have known better," she said, calling herself names and berating herself for letting herself be in that situation. "you're such a failure as a person and a member of newjeans."

y/n got up from her seat and went to her phone, quickly opening her social media app. she scrolled through some of her messages to see what people were saying about her.

@minjifav i can't believe you let that happen to you
@pwpshs you're so stupid for letting him hurt you
@suckmytoe oh to be that man
@ipham15 she's probably wore short skirt or smth


y/n was overwhelmed by the negativity and hate, and she couldn't help but believe that maybe the fans were right - that she was stupid and deserving of what had happened to her.

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