› don't hide. hanni pham ‹

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> warning : pods??
> fluff
> plot; hanni found out y/n have pods ( the electric vape ) and confront y/n about it.
> requested by RosienumberoneFans sorry for making you wait ☹️

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hanni was puzzled by her girlfriend's behavior; she seemed distant and uncommunicative lately, and there was a strange smell coming from her breath and her skin.

even though hanni couldn't figure out what was going on, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach telling her that something was off.

finally, hanni's suspicions were confirmed when she noticed that her girlfriend's breath was no longer scented with her perfume, but instead had an indescribable yet foul smell.

y/n kept a secret that she did not want to share with anyone else, including her girlfriend, hanni. this secret was weighing heavily on her mind and she felt guilty for not telling her girlfriend. this secret was not about cheating, but it was something personal which y/n was not ready to share yet.

however, she was considering whether or not she should come clean and reveal her secret to her girlfriend, knowing that the truth always comes out eventually.

and yet, y/n could not bring herself to reveal the secret just yet — keeping a secret but knowing that she could not keep it forever.

that's when one night — y/n stood in the balcony of her house, she took a quick hit from her apartment. she thought it was fine since it was the middle of the night and she didn't want to disturb hanni's sleep.

but unbeknownst to her, hanni had been watching, and had seen everything y/n was doing. now that she saw what y/n was up to, it was only a matter of time before the truth was out in the open.


the sound of that name made y/n's heart skip a beat — but not in a romantic way, though.

y/n's eyes quickly darted over to her girlfriend, hanni, as she approached her from close by. she was in a state of panic, as she tried to hide the vape pods behind her back, hoping that hanni wouldn't notice them.


"care to explain?" hanni demanded, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared y/n dead on.

"i..." y/n was speechless, her mind racing with all the excuses she could come up with, only to come up with nothing. she had been caught red-handed, and she had no excuse for it.

hanni's question hung in the air, waiting for a response, but y/n was at a complete loss for words. all she could do was stare at her girlfriend, silently begging for forgiveness.

"so, you've been keeping this from me this whole time...." hanni said softly, her tone full of disappointment and hurt. "after all this time we've been together, you still couldn't be honest with me..."

y/n could feel the guilt weighing heavy on her chest, but she couldn't find the right words to say. seeing her girlfriend being so hurt by her actions, she was overwhelmed and ashamed.

"i'm sorry..." y/n muttered softly, still unable to look at hanni. "i-i know i should have been honest with you, and i know it was wrong to keep this from you." she bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back her tears as the guilt ate away at her mind. "i was just afraid... afraid that if you knew, you would leave me..."
she then looks up at hanni, her eyes full of tears. "i didn't want to lose you..."

"you thought i would leave you if i knew you were vaping...?" hanni said softly, taking a step towards y/n. she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "is that why you didn't tell me...? that you would rather keep secrets than to tell me something like that?" she then slowly placed a hand on y/n's shoulder, looking her in the eyes. "i would never leave you over such a little thing..."

y/n felt her heart fluttering. was that true? did hanni really think of this as just a silly little problem? she had been so worried that hanni was going to be incredibly upset and angry, that she couldn't even imagine a situation where this was just a minor issue.

"you're sure...?" y/n mumbled, trying to hold back her tears. "you're not mad at me...?"

"why would i be mad at you for something like this?" hanni replied with a soft smile.

y/n couldn't believe it. here she was, thinking that she was going to lose hanni over something as minor as vaping, and hanni was acting like this was nothing to worry about.

"then is it okay if i keep doing it...?" y/n asked softly. "you won't be upset?"

"hold on a second." hanni suddenly snatched the vape pods out of y/n's hand and threw them off the balcony. "i thought i made myself clear. vaping is bad for you. i don't want you to be doing that."

y/n was stunned, as her girlfriend has just thrown her pods away. "where did you just throw that??"

"i threw them because i don't want you to use them." hanni said with a firm tone. "you've been hiding this from me for a long time, and i'm not going to let you continue to do this."

y/n took a deep breath, trying to calm down and not get angry at hanni; she knew that what her girlfriend did was for the best, but the fact that hanni had thrown away her pods without warning made her feel hurt.

"i understand that you did it because... you wanted me to stop," y/n said softly. "i know you did it for my own good, but you should have at least given me a warning... at least asked me first..."

"i'm sorry, but i couldn't let you keep on doing this." hanni replied, still firm but slightly apologetic. "vaping is bad for you and i just can't allow you to keep on doing this."


"it's not just bad for you," hanni said in a sarcastic tone. "it's also bad for ME. imagine me having to kiss someone who vapes? gross."

"hey, that's not fair..." y/n mumbled, feeling a little hurt by hanni's comment. "i may be vaping but that doesn't mean i'm gross..."

"no, but vaping does make you smell..." hanni replied, smiling to herself. "it's a bad smell and i would not like to kiss that..."

"you're acting as if i smell like a rotten corpse..." y/n muttered, feeling hurt to hear hanni's comment. "you're making it sound like i'm disgusting or something..."

"oh, i'm sorry," hanni said with a sarcastic smile. "did i offend you? here let me hug you and make it all better."

"yeah, yeah..." y/n muttered, rolling her eyes but smiling despite herself as hanni stepped towards her and hugged her. "just for the record, i don't smell that bad..."

"yeah, yeah, if that's what you have to tell yourself..." hanni replied, giving y/n a squeeze and holding her close. "but seriously, it's not just the smell that's bad. you're hurting your health by vaping you know?"

"y-yeah i know..." y/n mumbled into hanni's shoulder. she felt slightly embarrassed while hanni was holding her. "i appreciate you looking out for me..."

"and... and i'll try to stop," y/n said softly. "i understand that it's bad for me... and i know you don't like it. so... so i'll try to quit, okay?"

"that's what i like to hear." hanni said with an affirming smile, still holding y/n tightly. "promise me you'll take my word seriously and try to quit this habit."

y/n nodded her head slowly, trying to maintain her composure as she felt slightly emotional. "i promise," she said, her voice quavering slightly. "i promise i'll quit vaping."

"that's my girl,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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