› diary. hanni pham ‹

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> warning : curses, violence, blood, abuse, sexual assault, and murder.
> angst
> plot; read.

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- third person pov -

- flashback -

"how many times do i have to tell you not to go to hanni's house?!" y/n's mother pushed y/n's head violently, immediately scolding y/n the moment she stepped inside the house. "you're such an attention seeker, always looking for validation from your girlfriend!"

y/n tried to say something back, but was quickly silenced by her mother's glare.

"you always do whatever you want! when are you going to start listening to me and stop running after that girl?" her mother yelled.

y/n remained silent, a small tear rolling down her cheek. she knew that if she spoke up again, the punishment would be even worse.

"what's the problem, darling?" y/n's stepfather stepped between y/n and her mother, a smug smile on his face. "our naughty girl is causing trouble again, isn't she?" he asked, looking down at y/n.

"you know damn well why!" y/n's mother snapped.

y/n's stepfather seemed amused by the whole situation, his smile growing wider. he turned to face y/n, his voice dripping with condescension.

"oh, come on, sweetie. it's not a big deal," he said, reaching out and caressing y/n's cheek. "just calm down and stay out of trouble, okay? i don't want you getting grounded and not being able to see your little girlfriend again."

y/n brushed her stepfather's hand away, a cold edge to her voice. "stop touching me," she said, her eyes fixed on his.

her stepfather looked taken aback by her outburst, but quickly regained his composure. "come on, princess, you're overreacting," he said. "i'm just trying to show you some affection."

"affection, my ass!" y/n shot back, only to get slapped across the face by her mother in response.

"that's not how you speak to your elders!" her mother yelled.

her stepfather chuckled, evidently entertained by the whole situation. "that's better," he said. "now show us some respect."

y/n clenched her teeth, looking defiantly at her stepfather. "how can i respect someone who has abused me?" she asked, her voice laced with anger. "taking advantage of me every chance you get?"

she then turned to face her mother and, in a low voice, uttered, "and letting your daughter in the hands of a pervert."

her stepfather laughed, his face filled with satisfaction and her mother shot her an angry glance.

with a swift punch, her stepfather knocked y/n to the floor.

y/n lay on the floor, unable to move. Her mother looked away, pretending to not see what was happening.

her stepfather came over, his face contorted with rage. he placed his foot on y/n's back and leaned close to her ear. "don't you dare disrespect me again," he hissed, "you ungrateful little brat."

horrified, y/n heard her stepfather unbuckle his belt and her heart began to pound in fear – she saw her mother walking away from the scene, turning her back as if nothing was happening.

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