› single mother. danielle marsh ‹

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> warning : slight curses, violence and blood.
> fluff and slight angst
> bullying y/n is my love language 🥰
> plot; what if y/n encounter with her ex boyfriend??
> enjoy 2000+ words.

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- third person pov -

y/n walked briskly down the street. her head held high and a wide smile crept on her face. she was on her way to celebrate her daughter; haerin's birthday.

but the past was always lurking in the shadows, threatening to spoil even the happiest moments. when she reached the corner of the street, she stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as she spotted a familiar figure heading her way. it was her ex-boyfriend.

y/n took a step back, her heart beating rapidly. there he was, the guy who had caused so much pain, standing right in front of her. she felt her blood boil as their eyes met, but she forced herself to keep her emotions in check. she couldn't let him ruin haerin's birthday, not now.

with her jaw set and her eyes narrowed, y/n stepped forward, her mind racing. she had to stay calm for her daughter's sake, but she was so angry at her ex and so bitter about their failed relationship.

"what do you want?" she asked, trying to keep her tone neutral. "why are you here?"

her ex-boyfriend took a step forward, his expression is cold. "i just wanted to see my daughter, that's all," he said, his voice clipped and stern.

y/n felt herself beginning to lose her composure, the hurt and anger she still felt towards her ex-boyfriend rising to the surface. "how can you act like you did nothing wrong?" she cried. "do you even know how much you hurt me? and now you expect to come back into our lives, as if nothing happened?"

her ex boyfriend just stared back at her, his expression blank. "i'm allowed to see my daughter," he said coldly. "you can't keep me away from her."

y/n felt the tears start to well up in her eyes. "how can you be so insensitive? don't you know how much pain you caused me?" she asked, her voice shaking. "do you even care?"

he just looked at her, his face remained blank. "i have the fucking right to see my daughter," he repeated, his voice cold. "and you don't have a say in the matter."

she felt her heart breaking as she realized that she was talking to a wall.

"no," y/n said forcefully, a wave of anger washing over her. "you're not going to ruin this day for me and haerin."

"then you deserve this," he said coldly.

before y/n could respond, he suddenly lunged towards her, punching her hard in the face and then kicking her in the stomach.

y/n fell to the ground, stunned and hurt. she tried to get up but her vision was spinning and her head was pounding. she couldn't believe he had just attacked her, the man she once loved - looking up at him, she saw his expression change. it was no longer cold, but rage-filled and vindictive.

"how dare you deny me access to my own daughter?!" he yelled, his voice filled with rage. "after all we've been through, you have no right to make decisions for me and haerin!" he stepped forward and slammed his foot down onto the cake she had brought earlier, smashing it into a mess of frosting and crumbs. "this cake was ridiculous anyway," he snarled, his face twisted with anger.

y/n stared at him in horror, her heart and her soul broken. she couldn't believe that this was happening in front of her eyes.

meanwhile, danielle rocked haerin in her arms, she tried to comfort her and soothe her anxious heart. "she'll be home soon," she said softly, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. she looked down at haerin, her face gentle and caring. "with a big birthday present and a delicious cake," she added.

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