› love on the run. danielle marsh ‹

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> part two !! <

> warning : curses, violence, and blood.
> angst
> plot; y/n won't let them hurt danielle as long as she lives.
> 3000+ words 🤯

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- third person pov -

as y/n was making her way back to the apartment, she suddenly came across her father. she hadn't seen him in a month, and she had no idea how he had been or where he had been during that time. she stood in shock, trying to process the fact that he was standing right in front of her.

just when she thought that things couldn't get any more complicated, her father spoke up; his eyes filled with emotion and regret. "y/n, i'm so sorry for everything."

y/n looked at her father, not sure what to say or how she felt.

"but i need some money," he said. "can you give me? please, my daughter..."

y/n couldn't believe her ears. her father, the one who had left her a month ago and had been nowhere to be found, was now standing in front of her, asking for money. she was torn between wanting to help him and feeling betrayed by his past actions.

she took a deep breath and looked her father straight in the eye. "what makes you think i'll give you any money? you haven't been around in a month, either when i'm in my darkest time, and now suddenly you show up with your hand out for help?"

y/n's father took a step towards her, a violent look in his eyes. "you'll give me the money because you're my daughter and it's your duty to help me! the least you can do after all the sacrifices i've made."

y/n flinched, but she held her ground. "i'm not giving you anything. you never cared about me and now you just show up when you need money? no. i'm not a bank, and you don't own me."

y/n's father grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him violently, his eyes filled with anger. y/n flinched at his sudden movement, but she was determined not to let him control her anymore. she struggled against his grip, her adrenaline kicking in as she tried to free herself from his grasp.

in a fit of rage, her father shouted, "YOU WILL GIVE ME THAT MONEY, NOW! YOU'RE NOBODY WITHOUT ME, REMEMBER THAT!"

y/n's father's grip on her arm was like a vice, his strength overpowering her as she struggled to break free. y/n tried to reason with him, hoping that her words would convince him to let her go.

"father, please let me go. i need to get to danielle, she's in danger. i-i do that if you're holding me back."

her father's face twisted with rage. "NO! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL YOU GIVE ME THE MONEY!"

y/n's father had a firm grip on her arm as they struggled together, both of them fighting for control. y/n's strength was gradually diminishing, and her father's grip was only getting tighter. she couldn't fight much longer, but she refused to give in.

her father suddenly pulled her arm and she lost her balance, falling to the ground. before she could get up, her father grabbed the wallet from her pocket.

y/n was helpless as she watched her father run off with her money. she was angry and disappointed. also couldn't help but worried for danielle.

y/n watched with frustration and anger as her father ran away with her money. she was furious at him for the way he behaved, for his lack of concern for her well-being. but most of all, she was worried for danielle and what danger she might be in.

she quickly got on her feet and started running after her father, hoping against hope that she could catch him and get her money back. she couldn't let him get away with it, not this time.

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