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He would call himself a dog from now on

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He would call himself a dog from now on.

That's the first thing Jay thought as his head was still flooded by this heavy wave of throbbing pain. He groaned lowly, hand coming to press against his forehead. This was the worst morning he had ever had.

It was too hurtful to even try to remember what he did yesterday.


His other hand instinctively reached for his phone that would normally lie on the nightstand to the right of his bed.

That's the only thing he could trust on — his subconscious need of order. Even with the strongest intoxication of alcohol he would always find his way to his bed.

His hand fell on nothing but feathers. Had the mattress always been this big? Rolling to the side to reach further, there was still nothing. In spite of his eyes still being closed, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His bed couldn't be too big to not find the nightstand unless...

this wasn't his bed.

He immediately sat up, regretting all life decisions as the pain only hit harder because of the unplanned quick movement. "Fvck." He massaged his forehead, for a moment forgetting his just made realisation until it hit once again.

The sharp eyes reluctantly opened only to close again. "I thought you could trust yourself, Park Jongseong. 'Always finding the way back home', my ass." He ran a hand through his black tousled hair aggressively with a exasperated sigh.

Whatever he had done he had definitely not ended up sleeping in his own bed.

Jake... Hadn't he been with Jake?

Jake would never leave him alone when he was drunk, though. But this didn't look like Jake's apartment, not even one speck of dust here did.

His phone. Jay needed to find his phone.

Taking a look at the strange interior, he was weirded out by this place; huge ceiling, big windows, ancient furniture, old architecture, expensive wall decorations. There were things that looked like they could be of actual royal inheritance.

Had he broken into an old castle or something? But where would you find a castle in Seoul? Whoever lived here just had a really old and rich taste. Then again where in god's sake had he spent the night?

About to step out of the huge and indescribable wonderful soft bed the door loudly opened. Steps on the marble floor reverberated in the enormous room. A sudden rush of anxiety overcame Jay, resulting in him to fall back in the bed.

Getting a clearer image of the approaching boy, his eyebrows knit together and the shock got replaced by pure confusion.

SUNGHOON? ...Why was he dressed like a royal from the eighteenth century?

AUTHOR GONE WRONG ; JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now