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Jay took hold of Jungwon's wrist and pulled his hand from his collar

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Jay took hold of Jungwon's wrist and pulled his hand from his collar. He took a crumbled paper out of his pocket and gave it to him. "This is the last page."

Jungwon read the text, and his eyes widened. He could swear he was about to tear up. "I- I- I am supposed to confess to you? Why- Why would you write that?" He swallowed hard but felt a sense of relief.

Much more as he found Jay giving him a weak smile. "I love you, Yang Jungwon, that's why I want us to end like this without any dying."

I love you.

Jungwon didn't know why it felt so genuine, so sincere, so heart-palpitating. He only realised now that it always had been like that. A reason why he maybe only fell harder and much more painfully.

Jungwon bit the inside of his cheek harshly. He couldn't break down yet. What if all of this was just another lie? "I am supposed to believe all of this? A story? Everything is a story you wrote?"

Jay took a deep breath. He had expected that. "If I tell you... will you believe me?" He asked hesitantly, hoping desperately his love for Jungwon was enough to give him a chance to save this.

Jungwon's lips formed a thin line. "If it makes sense."

The screenwriter sighed in defeat, his head hanging low. "It doesn't."

The crown prince tilted his husband's chin up, so they were looking at each other. Scared eyes met siren ones. "I will be the judge of that, Park Jongseong."

You can imagine that it took Jay already an full hour to convince Jungwon that he wasn't mentally sick and for a fact had even professional prove (after all, Jake-fake was still running around here somewhere — though Jay would be maximal embarrassed to prove his point that way).

And the rest after that, well, wasn't much less complicated to firstly tell and secondly believe, but Jay was an author and argumentatively invincible - at least he told himself that - and it actually worked somehow.

The screenwriter had to tell his fictional character that he was a fictional character, a fragment of Jay's fantasy, yet somehow much less the crown prince and much more Jungwon.

He didn't even know himself how that worked, still here he was explaining his whole mental breakdown from weeks ago.

"So just for understanding," Jungwon started, glancing at the paper with notes of Jay and Jungwon's real-life interaction scattered over the bed that they were sitting on by now. "You fell in love with me, a fictional character who is resembling your first love?"

"Theory going strong, yes."

Jungwon frowned for the nth time. "Does this even make sense to you?" He sighed and straightened. "You said that I am him, at the same time you tell me I am a fictional character, just how is this supposed to work?"

AUTHOR GONE WRONG ; JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now