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I finally returned back to home tree after settling everything I possibly could at base. Norm found the USB with the help of Tamai. Turns out he hid it both from other people and apparently himself. For someone who's so smart, he could be a real dumbass sometimes.

I walked through home tree on my way back home. Making sure to glance around and make sure everything was in place. The last thing the upper forest needed was to walk in feeling more overwhelmed and out of place than they are already feeling.

Everything seemed fine for now, a few corrections needed to be made to the set up of tables for the feast but such things could be brought up later. Mo'at would have my ass if I wasn't cleaned and dressed upon their arrival, and seeing as they would arrive in three short hours, I didn't have much time with my other responsibilities.

I walked into my home, taking off my leather knife holster around my chest and setting it down on the table. I looked around the home, I've been here for two years. The clan gave it to me as a thank you for leading them to victory during the war but the place still didn't feel like mine. It belonged to an Olo'eyktan, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the amount of spoiling the clan gave me.

My earpiece rang, and I let out a frustrated groan just from the sound.

"Sir, the prisoner won't open up about anything. We've tried everything."

Of course.

I don't have time for this now. It has to wait until later. I clicked my fingers over my throat microphone. "Leave it be for now. Lock him up and pick back up tomorrow." I responded to them.

"But, sir-"

"That was an order. Not a suggestion."

"Yes, sir."

I wanted the information on their operations just as badly as my men did, maybe even more, but for now the arrival of the upper forest had to come first. I walked out of the back of my house to my private hot spring, It was a small blue pool of water with a small waterfall that trickled off of rocks and into the pool.

I walked in and sat down on one of the rocks surrounding the edge of the pool. Think hot tub but... natural. I cleaned myself up, flinching when my hand went over my left side. I looked down to see a cut lining from my left shoulder blade to my left ribcage.

Shit. It must've happened the other day during the human base invasion. I need to get it looked at. But for now, I continue cleaning up. It can wait till later.

After cleaning up, I put on my formal military attire. A leather corset across my stomach, clean and free of the stench of human blood. Mo'at said I'm not allowed to wear this one to battle...

After that, I threw my leather knife holster back on just in time for two women to come walking into my home. Their eyes were shifted down as they announced themselves, "Mo'at sent up for your braids, Sir." The woman on the left spoke.

I chuckled, Mo'at always has a way of telling me when I need to get my hair re-done. "Alright, come on in. You can set up over there," I nodded my head in the direction of my living space. The two women mumbled a 'Yes, sir' as they made their way over.

I finished getting dressed, tying on my leather bicep strap with one hand and slipping my earpiece and throat microphone back on. I walked over and sat down in front of the two women, mumbling a thank you as I settled into the floor.

They both worked on either side of my head for the next hour, taking out my previous braids which had started to loosen and become disheveled, and putting new braids in. They left a braid on either side hanging, as the rest of the braids were collected and brought up into a bun on top of my head. They secured it with the same leather wrapped around my bicep.

YOU HAVE ME ~ JAKE SULLYWhere stories live. Discover now