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Jake walked into Mo'ats healing hut, normally packed to the brim with clan members complaining about the smallest of scratches and tummy aches, but to Jake's surprise it was empty.

Mo'at smiled at him, "My son, what a surprise. How are you?"

"I'm good," Jake said slowly, eyes narrowing in at her, "Did you close up early?" He asked.

Mo'at nodded, going back to packing away some of her things and organizing, "I normally don't but I need the rest of the day off. Exhaustion seeps in quickly if you don't catch it."

Jake nodded his head once, humming in response. He stood at the doorway, eyes watching Mo'at pack up but his head in an entirely different place.

Mo'at took a couple glances over in Jake's direction, examining his stature and body language.

She put some jars away on the shelving, speaking again, "You may be hard to read for most, but not to me. What is wrong?"

Jake chuckled, knowing how true the statement was, "Nothings wrong."

Technically true. But not the truth.

"Alright then," Mo'at said, placing a basket on her hip and facing him, "Walk with me home?"

"I'm assuming the walk includes whatever is on my mind." Jake stated, already knowing the answer.

Mo'at didn't respond, just walked past him out of the hut, "Draw the curtain, would you?" She said, ignoring Jake's question.

Jake drew the curtain, striding over to catch up to Mo'at.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, Mo'at content with the silence but Jake obviously lost in thought.

Jake glanced over at her, realizing how disinterested she was in whatever Jake wanted to talk about. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, looking forward again.

"You're a big boy, Jake Sully. I'm not going to drag it out of you. If you want to speak, then speak." Mo'at spoke, striaght to the point.

Jake nodded his head, glancing back over to her again. He watched as she adjusted her grip on the basket, obviously uncomfortable.

Jake reached over, taking the basket from her grip, "Here, let me," he muttered, transferring the basket into his arms and easily holding on to us with one arm.

"Only because I've had a long day," Mo'at replied.

Jake rolled his eyes, "Of course."

"So," Jake started, "I wanted to tell you something and ask you something."

"Ah, always my favorite combination," Mo'at joked.

Jake chuckled at her, taking in a breath before focusing his eyes forward, "I've... found someone. Well, more than just found someone. I've been dating someone for quite awhile now..." Jake trailed off.

His eyes stayed forward, pretending to focus on the path ahead of him but, in reality, Jake was waiting for Mo'at to scold him for not telling her.

"Ah, yes. Li'Nessa," Mo'at responded, voice calm. Soothing even.

Jake couldn't stop the snap of his head toward her, eyes narrowing in, "Mian's a snitch," Jake accused.

Mo'at laughed at him, "It wasn't Mian, Ma'Jake. I am a Tsahik. You can be ignorant, but not that ignorant."

"So kind of Eywa to let me tell you on my own," Jake muttered sarcastically, looking back forward as they continued to walk.

Mo'at scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I knew before she even arrived. I had a vision a week prior."

YOU HAVE ME ~ JAKE SULLYWhere stories live. Discover now