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"Are you sure you don't need help?" Jake questioned Mo'at as I sat on his couch in his home.

Mo'at waved a hand dismissively, "Please, I can unpack in my new home alone. It'll be nice."

Mo'at had asked for her own home to be built on the other side of home tree, closer to her healing hut.

Jake told her that she didn't need to leave but Mo'at insisted, after finding out about Jake and I, that he needed his own place.

Jake looked at her with a look that said 'you're stubborn, let me help' but eventually said, "Okay," before letting Mo'at leave.

I wanted to laugh, Jake had no idea how alike him and Mo'at were.

Jake eyes settled on me before striding over. He leaned over me, hands settling on the back of the couch for support.

I looked up at him through my lashes, his entire body overshadowing mine. He leaned down, catching my lips in a kiss.

It was soft and gentle, pulling away for me to take a breath in, only to lean in for another kiss.

Jake rested his forehead against mine, "You're so beautiful," he whispered against my lips.

I felt an all-too-familiar feeling wash inside my chest. It was warm, like drinking hot tea and feeling it go down to your stomach.

I love him.

The same voice, the same words, erupted through my thoughts for the past couple months now.

It was terrifying, images of me falling down an endless pit always flashed in my mind.

But it was also... the most comforting, sure, thing I have ever known.

"Jake... I-"

"Jake Sully," A voice erupted from behind him, making Jake unfold his body to stand up striaght.

Fucking Tamai.

This is the second time he's interrupted an important moment in our relationship.

The annoyance quickly disappeared, Jake and Tamai's voices drowning out into a murmur, when I realized...

I was going to say it.

Like. Actually say it.

My eyes glanced up at Jake, who was embracing another woman and smiling. Her hands were intertwined with Tamai's and I could only assume that she was his wife and mate.

My thoughts about her were short lived as my eyes strained onto Jake.

Did I really love him?


What if he didn't say it back?

He will.

Am I being a dumb-


It's like the more sane voice in my head kept me from spiraling into a pit of fear. The wiser me, I started calling it a couple years back.

It's like my inner, hurt, child arguing with the grown, adult, me. One of them was always spewing out constant protective measures while the other saw everything with clarity.

"This is Nessa," Jake's voice broke me out of the trance I was in.

I forced a warm smile into my face, taking hold of the hand Jake extended to me to stand up.

I came to stand by Jake's side, feeling his arm snake around my back, his hand resting on my hip.

"I'm Saraì," the woman spoke, her voice was gentle and soft, definitely the opposite of Tamai.

YOU HAVE ME ~ JAKE SULLYWhere stories live. Discover now