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The sudden boost in warriors was a bit of an adjustment. I didn't realize just how many warriors were coming from the upper forest, especially with all of their new warriors. Because they lost so many so quick, many more either volunteered or were moved into it quickly.

I was leaning over the giant, round, wooden table in the main bunker. Norm to my left and Tamai to my right, just trying to figure out how we're going to handle all of the training. Not only did we need to train the seasoned warriors on how to fight against human invaders, but we needed to train brand new warriors too.

We just didn't have enough of our own warriors to do it.

"Look, I say what we need to do is split it up," Norm started talking beside me, "On these days we train the seasoned warriors in our way, and on these days we train the new warriors. The seasoned warriors from the other clan can help us train the new warriors since we'll be training them first."

I nodded, lips pressed into a thin line while I was thinking. That could be a good idea, it is helpful to retaining information by also having to teach it to another person. I think that could work.

"I agree," Tamai spoke, "I think it really could be the only way to doing it."

"Let's do it," I agreed before looking at Tamai, "How long ya plan on staying."

He shrugged, "However long you need me. Honestly, the Metkayina doesn't need me as of now and they'll send for me when they do."

"Good, we'll need all the help we can get. Let's start setting up for the first three days of new warrior training."

They both nodded and headed off to get started. Norm would be taking over the training of those that showed an interest in all of the background work that he takes on. Norm needed some weight off his shoulders, and there were a lot of volunteers who didn't necessarily want to be on the front lines but still wanted to help in the base.

Plus, I trust Norm more than anything and I really needed to move him up to a higher rank. He's the only one who really knows the lengths and depths of what we do.

I lifted my fingers to my throat, clicking the button, "Lieutenant, can you send for Olo'eyktan Tsu'Mian? I want to clear our plan with him before setting it too far in stone." I spoke into the mic.

"Yes, sir. I'll send for him now. ETA should be about 30 minutes."

"Thank you, lieutenant."

I put my hands back on to the table, leaning on it for support, and looking at all we had to take on. It was a lot. Nothing we couldn't handle, for sure, but still a lot.

I was slightly surprised at just how many women the upper forest had as warriors and hunters. It was almost equal to how many men they had. Even when the deep forest had women, it was nowhere near as many as they do.

I clicked a button underneath the table where my fingers rested, a projected screen popped up. The screen had each new warrior/hunters name, their strengths and weaknesses, etc.

My eyes wandered over to Li'Nessa's name. Strengths: bow and arrow, sphere, hunting, daggers, and.... guns??

My eyes stopped right on it. The upper forest didn't have guns, as far as I knew. Maybe it was a typo? If it was true though.... that's kinda hot.

I shook the thought off my mind as I continued scanning the entire list. I started pairing each person with their trainers, planning it so that the trainer would be strong in their trainees weak spots. They could learn from one another that way.

My earpiece rang, "Five minutes out, sir." My lieutenant let me know that Tsu'Mian would be here soon.

"Copy." I replied.

YOU HAVE ME ~ JAKE SULLYWhere stories live. Discover now