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"What if I give you puppy dog eyes? Will that change your mind?" I fold my hands together in front of me and pout my lip out, trying to show Luke my signature puppy eyes so he can take pity on me.

"Dude, you are almost 20 years old. Don't do that," he pushes my face away. "It's creepy."

"Says you," I muffle out, moving his hand away. "C'mon, lemme live here!" I whine, stomping my feet slightly like a child. Alice had been acting weird since our conversation a couple weeks ago and she's got me on edge that she'll blab to Luke about what I said. If she hasn't already.

I also can't take living with my roommate any longer.

"Why do you want to move in so bad? Don't you have a place to live?" Luke plops down on the couch, looking up at me like he's accusing me.

"Well, yeah, but he's such a moron and he's boring. I would rather live here with you guys. I think we'd have a lot of fun together."

"You're an idiot," he rolls his eyes. "I need friends my age."

"I know plenty of people that are your age. We can have a welcome party," I sit down next to him, folding my hands in front of me again. "Don't make me beg. I can get dramatic." Luke side-eyes me before narrowing them, his nostrils flaring a little.

"I don't really know if I should make decisions like this without Alice-"

"It's no problem! I already talked to her, and she thinks it is a great idea," I am so lying, and I hope she plays along when she sees me moving my shit in.

"Fine, we can start helping you get packed and moved in later when she comes home."

"Wow, you are so generous," I keep my positive demeanor as I walk over to the front door, opening it and pulling in my bags. "I'm really glad I have someone like you as a friend."

It's quiet for a moment before I hear Luke say: "Did you really just pack your shit, bring it here, and hope for the best?"

"I haven't the slightest clue what you are asking me," I look back at him and flash a smile before awkwardly rushing up the stairs to the room I had been staying in until Alice told me to beat it. She can be so cruel sometimes.

To tell the actual truth: my roommate kicked me out and already had my stuff packed up when I got back a few days ago. He said that since I found a girl to live with, I don't need to be there anymore. I can't exactly tell my mom and step-dad what happened because then they'll be pissed beyond belief because my tuition, that they are paying, covers room and board.

Maybe I can change my enrollment and they won't notice.

"Michael!" The shriek of my crush, and now possible worst nightmare, echoes down the hall. I can't tell if it's positive or negative, and I'm not looking forward to what happens if it's negative.

Alice comes busting into the room, hands already on her hips. "What the hell are you doing here?" Her voice is in a harsh whisper, peeking over her shoulder before looking back at me with annoyance.

"Me? What about you? I thought you have classes today?"

"My professor got into a fender bender and just cancelled my last class because he didn't want to deal with life, or something," she waves me off, still looking every bit irritated. "Why are you here again?"

"I asked Luke if I could move in, since you said it was alright," I smile coyly, setting my stuff down and folding my arms.

"I kicked your ass out not even a week ago, what do you mean I said it was alright?" She comes closer, her cheeks red with anger. "Your big mouth is going to get us in trouble! I don't need any more issues!"

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