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Alice's birthday party is in a few days, and I have yet to plan anything for it. I know she is wanting to make it a grand event to make up for actual birthday a few months ago. She wanted absolutely nothing but ice cream and a movie marathon. Jess had passed, I was too preoccupied with grieving. I had almost forgotten about it until she just walked in, the day before, and proclaimed her birthday basically nonexistent.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Alice walks into the kitchen and sits down next to me. I've been trying to look at birthday cake ideas and decorations and her friends list on Facebook.

"I didn't forget, I just have a lot going on," I sigh. That is a lie, I just didn't want her to think that I put her make-up party off because I wasn't sure what to do for her. I haven't even bought her a present. Michael's gift was our weekend out of town together, I can't top that.

"You know it's in three days, right?" I nod. This could go very well or very bad. "I'll plan it for you, if you'd like. You know, since I know what I want." I chew on my lip, running my fingers through my hair for the millionth time within the past 20 minutes.

"I guess, just don't spend a million dollars on everything," I sigh. "and don't invite too many people."

"I'm inviting Lana and Michael and Carly and Mali-koa and Calum-"

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. "Calum and Mali-koa?" Our two romantic 'rivals'.

"I'm just being nice. They're our neighbors. And Calum is still sort of my friend, I can't just not invite him," she toys with her tongue ring between her lips and it looks a little redder than it should. Alice is writing away on the notebook I had in front of me, the names she spouted off to me appearing in pen.

"Wait, who is Carly?"

"I met her on my online schooling. She emailed me about an assignment then we started talking about something I don't even remember then we kind of forced ourselves to be friends."

"Well, at least you made another friend."

"She's cool. She went with me when I pierced my tongue. She actually kind of made me do it," she smiles sheepishly at me. I sigh heavily, closing my eyes. "but you love it so it was worth it."

"Yes, I do," I laugh, shaking my head at her. "as long as you don't pierce or tattoo anything else, I'll let this go."

"You're the best, Daddy," Alice kisses my cheek, making her way up the stairs. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts, stopping at Elise's number. I want to call and invite her to the party, but she might complain about "all the hooligans" running around the house. If I don't, she'll give me an earful because Mom will call and ask why she wasn't there. Huffing, I scroll past her name and call my mom instead.

"Hello?" She answers the first ring.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hi, baby. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I just was calling to let you know Alice's make-up birthday party is in a few days."

"I know, I have it written down. I just need to shop," she pauses for a minute before speaking again. "Luke, are you alright?"

"Yeah, why?" I don't feel like expressing my opposition of the Hoods being here, especially when Calum wants in Alice's pants and I turn into a babbling idiot when Mali-koa is right in front of me. I'm also nervous that a girl I've never met before that is Alice's new friend who made her get a tongue piercing is going to be in my house.

In all actuality, I'm a complete and total anxious wreck about having not only Alice's friends, but our family in the same house in which we do things together. Three people knowing and supporting our secret, one suspicious of it and will have me sent to jail, and strangers that haven't a clue and someone will try to start a war about it. Michael and Mom will keep their mouths shut, Calum might be quiet about his assumption, but knowing him he will start something eventually.

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