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That picture attached has nothing to do with the chapter I just love looking at it.


Having Alyssa over was the biggest mistake ever. Like always. She said that we should "Netflix and chill" and me being an "old man" thought "oh, Netflix and chill, cool that sounds normal"... until she started trying to take my fucking pants off.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I pushed her hands away and zipped my jeans.

"Uhm, the chill part of Netflix and chill?" She went back to trying to take off my jeans and I actually smacked both of her hands. "Owh! Seriously!"

"Netflix and chill is watching Netflix and chilling! Not 'try to have sex with Luke while Brain Games is playing in the background'!" I stood up and rubbed my face.

"You seriously could've picked something less boring if all you wanted to do was actually watch Netflix," she rolled her eyes and laid down on her back.

"What are you doing?"

"Laying?" She raised her eyebrows as if I couldn't see the obvious.

"No, I mean, what are you doing here still? Leave," I raised my eyebrows, mimicking her.

"Uh, you didn't tell me to leave," she forced a laugh, sitting up and adverting her gigantic eyes at me.

"I think it was implied," I had opened the door to see a frightened Alice standing there, her hand frozen in knocking position and her eyes almost as big as Alyssa's.

"Oh, great, your little girl is here," Alyssa rolled her eyes and finally got off of my bed. She was pulling on her boots when Alice had spoken up.

"I needed help with a math problem," she whispered and I looked down at her hands to see a sheet of paper dangling from it. "i-if you're busy, I can wait."

"Oh, no, sweetie," I took her paper and looked at it, hearing Alyssa groan from behind me. That's all she ever did was groan and whine and complain and ask me if I feel like finally fucking someone that "wasn't my daughter". I had flinched thinking about how she and I had our little masturbation session. My heart still beats irregularly in fear of someone finding out. I can't even masturbate anymore. I mean, I could, but all I'd think about is Alice doing it for me and I can't masturbate to the thought of my daughter touching me.

"Daddy, I can do it myself, it's okay," she took the paper back and walked to her room. She had been oddly quieter than usual and I've been worried but she never tells me anything other than "I'm fine".

That was two days ago and I am now sitting in my office, playing with my lip piercing and staring away in space. I can't wrap my head around Netflix and chill. How did that even come about? Who started it? Why is that an actual thing?

My thoughts continue running through my mind and then freeze when I hear my door creak open. "Mr. Hemmings?" Bethany.

"Yes?" I stand up straight and fix my tie. Since the promotion, I've been having to dress up even more formerly than before and, to put it lightly, it's uncomfortable. I mean, a suit with a tie? That's ridiculous for someone who sits an office all day, fiddling with their body parts, and staring out a window. It almost feels like I get paid to do nothing. Which, I guess I can't really complain about it. Most people would love to get paid for doing nothing.

"You're all clear of appointments today," she steps inside and presses her back to the door as she closes it behind her. "I thought maybe you could have one with me." My eyes widen as she walks over to me and I'm hoping she doesn't take notice of my absolutely terrified face because my office isn't exactly surrounded by walls. Fucking see-through glass. And, honestly, I don't feel like messing around with Bethany. I haven't felt like messing around with anyone for awhile lately and it's difficult to get any kind of connection from any woman I see. It feels as if they all just want to sleep with me.

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