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"You what?!" Lana squeals over the phone.
I roll my eyes. I usually tell Calum this kind of stuff but knowing him, he'd turn Luke in, and I'd never speak to him again.

"Lana, please," I rub my forehead, peeking around my door, seeing Luke's is still closed. I don't blame him, it's early in the morning and I slept almost a full 24 hours.

"No, no," I can hear the grin that's probably glued to her face. "you kissed him? Like, full on lip-to-lip contact, maybe even tongue?"

"Okay, there was definitely no tongue," I keep my voice low. We promised to keep it secret but I have to tell someone. "but. . . Yeah, I kissed him." I feel a smile make its way on my lips, my stomach tickling from all the butterflies at the memory of Luke and I, laying in his bed, telling each other our secrets, and he finally kissing me.

"Oh, my-" Lana laughs, her giddy little laugh when something, in her words, 'awesome' happens. "oh my God, Ali! I cannot believe you finally kissed him!"

"Shh!" I hush her. "No one needs to know, okay? No one can know."

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone you're kissing your daddy," I roll my eyes again as she starts giggling. "okay, so, tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"How was it? What was it like?" I can see Lana now, sitting cross-legged on her bed, her pillow in her lap as she hugs it, awaiting the juicy story I'm about to tell her. "I mean, his lips always looked so soft."

"They are," I blush. I don't know how to describe the kiss. "it-it was weird. Like, good weird. It felt like finally coming home after being away for so long."

"That's so cute," she whispers. So now she decides to be quiet.

"He likes to hold me really close, and really tight, so I can't get away or have space between us," I bite my lip, my smile growing every second. "and he's really careful of where he touches me."

"You mean, like. . ." her voice trails off and I blush worse. I don't want to tell her how he and I went farther than the usual small make out session.

"Yeah," I reply, playing with my blanket as more butterflies swarm around in my stomach. "Lana?"


"He gets hard a lot around me," it's quiet, for a really long time, before she busts out in laughter and I pull the phone away from my ear.

"Oh-oh man!" Her voice is high pitched as she begins to settle down. "That is hilarious. Honey, I know you're naive but everyone can figure out if you can make a guy hard without even trying, he likes you."

"All of this new information is really hard to keep up with," I mumble. I bring my knees to my chest and rest my chin on them. "but, he told me that whether a guy is horny around a girl doesn't validate if she's pretty or not."

"It doesn't. I was talking about liking you, silly. He probably imagines all the things he'd love to do to you," I don't even need to see her face to know she's smirking. My cheeks heat up and a little part of me wishes he'd come in right now and do all of those things to me.

"I act too childish for him."

"Have you never heard of Lolita?" She lets out a small chuckle. I shake my head, momentarily forgetting she can't see me. "It's a book about a young girl that has relations with an older man."

"So? What does that have to do with anything?"

"It's practically every girl's dream and you're lucky enough to finally live it," I shake my head again, rubbing my temple. I'll just Google it later, she is absolutely no help to me.

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