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Waiting to make love with Alice is proving to be agonizing. Every kiss and subtle touch to my skin catches fire and a pit in my stomach comes alive. I just need her. I need to show her how fucking much she means to me, how I love her with my entire being. But I can't love her with my entire being until I can dick her down into the mattress.

Alice is going nuts, too. It shows in the way she has her hands all over my chest and my torso and my biceps. With the occasional hand job. Although, when she catches on to her sudden touchy mood, she stops -- utterly dismaying.

Despite our constant efforts of 'look but don't touch', there was a moment where we just about said fuck it.

"Fuck, baby," I breathed out, grinding my aching hard-on against her wet pussy, driving myself crazy. Alice was moaning and wriggling around, trying to get more friction and a better release. She had her hips raised to meet mine and moved at a much faster pace than I wanted.

"I-I'm close, Luke, please," she begged me.

"Hold it," I gritted, finally pinning her hips back down to the bed so I could go at the pace I wanted. There was no way Alice knew how to hold an orgasm but I wasn't even nearing mine.

"I-I can't! P-Please let me come!" She moaned louder, my favorite sound, as her back arched up off the bed and her fingers fisted the sheets.

"You can hold it for me, baby girl. Hold it for Daddy," I was panting from grinding faster, knowing with every touch to her clit she would get closer and closer to coming. It's like a game: I'll push you to near-orgasm but you can't come until I say. If you do, you get punished.

Alice's body was trembling, her legs shaking on either side of me, her nails now dug deep into the skin of my arms (which only further fueled my desire to fuck her senseless), and her cheeks were flushed the deepest red I had ever seen.

"You wanna come?" I mocked, feigning a fake sympathetic tone. My own orgasm was beginning to release itself but I desperately needed more. I stopped moving my hips and removed my lower half from hers, one hand going up around the fragile skin of her neck, the other teasing her hole.

"Y-Yes Daddy," she squeaked. "Luke, p-please." I tightened my grip on her neck, only enough to prevent her from talking.

"Want me to fuck you here?" I pushed two fingers into her pussy, causing her to choke out a weak gasp. My fingers moved around inside her, massaging her walls as I felt them tighten up. "Want me to fuck you until you can't come anymore?"

Alice was a mess; a sweaty, sexually disoriented mess that couldn't even keep her eyes open.

Her hand gripped my wrist and I stopped the pressure I applied to her neck. I continued twisting my fingers around inside of her, watching her hand move toward her clit then stop, her chest heaving from all the air she's trying to catch up on.

"Fuck!" She cried out, rubbing her sensitive pink bud. I decided she couldn't hold it any longer and I choke her again, pinning her back down into the pillow and thrust my fingers as deep as her body will allow me. I curled them up and massaged her g-spot, her hand moving faster on her clit and the all too familiar sight of her coming everywhere.

I let go of her neck, carefully removed my fingers from inside her, and looked her in the eyes as I brought them to my lips to suck on. Her lip was between her teeth and she watched with dark green eyes, begging for more.

"You taste so good," I murmured lowly, finishing cleaning my fingers of her come and moving my hand down to my forgotten boner. I stroked it up and down slowly, holding eye contact with Alice as I did so, seeing her get turned on again immediately.

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