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To tell the truth, I don't want to go on a date with Michael; I want to spend my Saturday with Luke but his dumb ass had to go and show he likes Mali-koa. Calum's sister. The sister of the kid that he hates. And he's all googley-eyed and flustered over a Hood. A stupid, stupid Hood. I hate the Hoods. They keep ruining my life.

At least Michael is attempting to make it better. He told me to dress, like, really nice (his exact words, because he doesn't know how to properly speak to a woman), and I'm now standing in front of my mirror, looking like the real Alice. Except, I have pink hair. I've been so bitter lately and not just because I was on my period; Michael is irritating, Calum is a pain my neck, and Luke hasn't made a move on me all week. Don't even get me started on Mali. I'm genuinely hoping something will happen tonight with Michael and I. Anything, just to give this week the ending I deserve.

Sighing, I plop down on my bed and fall back, staring up at the ceiling. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. God, don't make me go.

"You know, your mom named you after her favorite Disney character," I jump at the sound of Luke's voice. I sit up quickly and adjust the bottom of my dress. "Alice in Wonderland. She loved that movie." I look over to him, seeing him leaning against the doorframe with his arms over his chest. This is the most Luke and I have talked since yesterday. The only thing he said that wasn't a one-word sentence was what I wanted for dinner then I muttered something about Mali's head on a stick. He either didn't hear me or I frightened him so bad he decided not to speak again. Also, we got pizza.

"I'm named after a movie that I'm pretty sure the creators were on some serious drugs when they made it?" He shrugs. "That's reassuring."

"She loved that movie. And she said that you looked just like her when you were born."

"That's a little creepy."

"You did it," Luke smiles. His response doesn't make much sense, but he's trying to make nice with me. He knows what he did, and I need to remember what he did before I let myself fall back into him.

"Why are you bringing it up, anyway?" I get back up and dig through my closet, careful not to moon my stepdad. Yeah, Alice, your stepdad.

"Because, in that dress, you look just like her. All you need is that little bow in your hair."

"Which is exactly why I opted the bow out. I don't want to look stupid," I pull out a black pair of shoes, not of the heel or flat type, and start putting them on.

"No, you look stupid wearing tennis shoes with a dress."

"And you look stupid when Mali-koa Hood is standing in front of you," I mumble, yanking my shoestrings back as tight as my foot can handle.

"Alice," he sighs. I roll my eyes, not wanting to hear whatever stupid excuse he has. Plus, I need to finish getting ready. "Alice Riley, did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Oh, are we playing Daddy-Daughter now?" I stand back up, smoothing over my dress and then fold my arms, staring up at him.

"Yeah, we are," Luke remains emotionless as he straightens himself up, walking over to me in two short strides. He lifts my chin and makes me look in his eyes. "I'd watch the attitude. And I also heard what you said. Just drop it, Alice." I wince, jerking my chin away. He's been calling me by my name too much lately, it doesn't even sound right. I at least still try to call him Daddy when we're home (Dad when we're in public). He could do me the same service.

"I wish you'd just tell me you like her or not, so I can quit trying with you," I push pass him to go into the bathroom. My hair is still wet and I don't want to make my dress pink.

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