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"Alright, Mr. Hemmings, I just have to ask a few questions then you can go back to looking aimlessly at your computer at pointless lines while I go back to looking aimlessly at my phone at hot babes," Michael waves his pen around, a notebook and a blue piece of paper sitting in his lap. I raise my eyebrows at him as I pull away from the screen and lean back in my chair.

"Okay? Am I being interviewed?"

"Sort of. My professor that assigned me to this wants me to come back with a short report on you and your job and what I find so fascinating about you and if I'd ever consider following your footsteps in this career."

"That sounds like at least four pages already."

"It can actually be condensed into four paragraphs; with my writing ability, it'll fit on one page," he hasn't looked at me since pulling out this paper. "so, first question: full name and age."

"Uh, Luke Robert Hemmings, 24," he nods, scribbling along in his notebook. I'm already bored and I'm sure there's gotta be at least 10 more boring questions on that page.

"Okay, you have an older person name for your middle name."

"What's yours?" Michael's face tints red and his eyes wander around the room. "Is it an old person's name too?"

"It might be," he mumbles, adverting his eyes to his paper again. "enough about me. So, it has 'did you go to college' on here, but obviously you did or you wouldn't be working here." I open my mouth to say something to him about how I only got an associates, but he was already talking again. "I'll just ask what you went for." He looks at me expectantly, eyes filled with hope for excitement.

"Uh, well, I didn't exactly have much of a major choice so I only went for two years," his eyes lose their hope and turn to boredom. "I went for basic statistics and business."

"You only have an associates degree? How did you get hired?"

"I did an internship here just like you."

"So you went to MUU?"

"Well, no. I went out-of-state but it literally was an hour away from home so I don't really count it."

"Then where'd you go?"

"BSU," I mumble. It's like MUU but they accept literally every single person that applied and MUU wouldn't take me because my SAT score was considered just below the line for Average. I was hungover from a huge party my brother had the night before and it caused me to do poorly and I couldn't retake it because it was too expensive and Mom would've killed me.

"You went to BSU?" Michael laughs, covering his face. "What happened? Too high the day of your SATs?"

"I never smoked weed."

"I don't even believe you," his face turns serious immediately. "you had to have at least tried it."

"No," I shrug. "I drank a lot, smoked a few cigarettes, but never smoked weed."

"You never even had a blunt in your hand?" Michael is beyond incredulous by hearing that I've never smoked pot in my life.

"Well, I held one for my roommate while he went to go to the bathroom. He was in there forever so I just set it on the windowsill and left the room."

"Did you think about trying it?"

"I figured I already smoked cigarettes, why would I add more to it?"

"Do you still smoke?"

"No, I gave it up when I finished college."

"Did you smoke a lot?" I shrug again. I was pulling a pack a day, which for most smokers is really nothing. I hated the smell and hated how my teeth felt after it but college was nerve racking so it calmed me down.

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