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It's like walking on a cloud in the middle of a sunny day and wondering how in the world did you end up this way. And that's what I do, is wonder how did I end up in love with the little girl that is waiting for me to come home so I can love all over her?

People at work have been noticing i have gotten a little happier. I mean, it's been only a few days, but they notice. Especially Bethany.

"So, what's going on?" She asked me, and I knew she was trying her best to be casual and not come off as a psycho.

"Nothing really," I shrugged, running my fingers along my shaven jaw.

"You seem. . . Extremely content with yourself," I raised an eyebrow. "it's definitely not a bad thing, trust me, I'm elated to see you look so at ease. I just-" she cut herself off and looked at me. Dread washed over me as the words left her mouth. "Did you find someone new?" Not exactly.

"No, Beth," I lied. "I just have a little bit of a better relationship with my daughter now." I internally cringed at calling her that. The only time I call her that is to others, which just so happens to be all the damn time. "we have a better understanding of each other and talked over some things and everything is finally just going okay." Her entire body relaxed and the relief spread across her face as she beamed.

"That's really good. I'm happy for you two," I smiled, more to myself because I felt like she was saying she was happy I was with Alice now. "do you think that you could come over tonight?" She subtly ran her hand up my thigh and I stiffened. Not in the good way, either. She literally won't let this go.

"Uh, I have a lot I have to do," I lied again. I had nothing to do except go home and basically just make out with Alice all night while some movie played in the background.

"You always have a lot to do," she pouted. "why can't you just have one thing to do? Like, maybe, me?" She smirked, moving up closer to my crotch.

"Bethany, stop," I carefully shooed her hand off of me and she sighed. "I know, I'm such a prude." I mocked her nagging voice when I declined sleeping with her.

"Please," she rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair.

"I'm having a good day for once, I'd like it to stay that way," I mumbled, looking through some papers. That caused heels immediately to click across the floor and the door slamming shut a few seconds after being opened. "and it just got better."

Upon getting home, I notice Alice's car is actually gone. Of course I immediately start stressing out and run all over the house, screaming for her and pulling at my hair to see she left a note on the fridge saying she went to the grocery store. I would have preferred a text, but at least I know she isn't dead.

I plop down in the kitchen chair and I decide to call my mom. I haven't really talked to her since Jessica died and I kind of wanted her advice as far as Alice is concerned. Will I take it? Probably not. But I'll keep it in the back of my mind.

"Hello?" Mom answers after a couple rings.

"Hi, Mom," I smile; Hearing her voice is always refreshing, especially when I know I need to.

"Hi, baby," her voice instantly turns to cheery and sentimental. "How are you? I haven't really spoken to you in a couple months. How's everything at work? I saw on Facebook you got a promotion. That's so amazing, I'm so proud of you! How's Alice? I haven't talked to her since bringing her home that night, is she doing okay? How's school for her? Is she choosing colleges?" I listen to Mom ramble, trying my best not to laugh out loud at her series of questions. I feel bad though, that she's firing off all these things that she should know first-hand. I mean, she is my mother. I can't go without telling her things.

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