character/writer answers

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Q: What makes you like Alice so much?

A: I'm not exactly sure, I mean, I've known her so long and I spent almost every waking moment of my life with her. She's so sweet and so pretty and she makes me laugh a lot. She also knows me better than I know myself. *turns red* Why are you asking? You won't tell anyone, right? Right?!

Q: Do you have a daddy kink?

A: A daddy kink? *turns red* Well, I want to say no but-but I don't think Alice calling me that all the time justifies my answer. I-It was gross at first, but now I like it, I think. Maybe I just like when she says it, because if anyone else does I fell sick. Maybe it's a selective daddy kink.

Q: Are you happy you're with Alice?

A: What kind of question is that? Of course I am. I haven't been this happy in so long and I've had her in my life since I was 12, I just wish I picked a better time.

Q: Be my daddy.

A: Wh-What? *blushes*

Q: Fuck me daddy.

A: Is this Alyssa? Alyssa, leave me alone, I'm not going to fuck you or be with you! Stop it!

Q: Have you ever thought back on your life?

A: Like, everything I've done in the past? If so, yeah, all the time. Or do you mean if I hadn't taken care of Alice like I did? Sometimes I do but I honestly can never think of what it would have been like to not have her, ya know?

Q: Can I give you head?

A: Oh God. Uh, you know, I'm gonna have to pass but thanks for offering...

Q: Do you ship muke?

A: Uhm, what is a muke? What is ship? Like a boat? Like I ordered too many t-shirts online and they're gonna ship to my house?

Q: Lucas, do you finally understand why Jessica always said you loved Alice more and in a different way that you loved her?

A: I do understand it now, and I wish I had seen it a long time ago. I was just too scared to admit it because everything thought I was disgusting because she was so young when we met. Don't get me wrong, I love Jess, but, she was right. I love her different from Alice.

Q: I think it's funny you're always getting cock blocked and all, but, do you think you guys are ever gonna be left alone?

A: I genuinely have no idea. Every time seems too good to be true when we are alone and whenever I want to take the opportunity, it's completely ruined. & it isn't funny, I can't take anymore cock blockage!

Q: You going to fuck soon?

A: I'm trying extremely hard to.

Q: You maybe gonna slap Alyssa?

A: I want to but I'm against hitting animals.


Q: Are you happy that you're with Luke?

A: Yeah, I'm really happy to be with him finally. He makes me happy and gives me butterflies and he makes me fell things I didn't think existed. I like him a lot and I feel cheesy.

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