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I wake up this morning from quite possibly the first good dream in a few weeks. I'm laying on my back, morning wood making the sheet form a small tent, and my mind trying to recall the dream I had of Alice. Her small legs were parted, her cute little panties bunched up at the end of the bed, and me knuckle-deep in her pussy.

I close my eyes, shivering at the thought of Alice moaning because of me. She wouldn't even let me do such a thing to her. I don't think she would, anyway.

Her whispers make way through my door and I look at the time. 7:49. Almost 8 in the morning and she's already talking to someone? Who would even be up at 8 on a lazy Sunday morning?

Getting up, I cover my body in clothes and try to adjust my aching erection so she doesn't notice it first thing. I trudge across the hall, rubbing my eyes, and peek through the small crack of her door.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" She looks frustrated by whoever she is on the phone with. It's probably Calum, he's the only one ever up to talk to Alice.

I knock. "Baby girl, are you up?" My voice sounds groggy and disgusting in the morning I should've cleared my throat. I poke my head through the door and see her fully: legs crossed, hair messy, cheeks pink, and lips still fucking kissable. She smiles over at me, still on the phone, then she sets it down.

"Hi, Daddy," I could never get tired of hearing that. It only sparks the dream back in my head and I'd love to make it reality.

"Hi, baby," I walk over to her, feeling my sweatpants starting to fall off my body. I need to get new ones, I've lost so much weight nothing fits anymore.

Climbing on the bed and avoiding her phone (don't want to accidentally call someone, would we?), I lightly push Alice back, hearing her gasp. She looks up at me, waiting what I'll do next.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" I rest my forearms on either side of her, my face hovering over hers, and let my erection rest against her leg. I smile lazily, nudging my nose with hers to lift her face up so I can kiss her pretty lips.

"I'm gonna kiss you, stop me if I do something you don't like," she nods. I rest one hand on her hip, the other sliding through her hair, and I go back to kissing her. It felt like home.

I press my crotch against hers as hard yet as gentle as I could, the outline of her lips wrapping around the outline of my dick. "D-Daddy." She murmurs. I only hum in response, so badly wishing I could take her here and now, as I begin slowly grinding up and down. I watch her face, her eyes shooting open and another gasp coming out of her mouth and I fiddle with my lip ring while I continue my slow motions.

"Do you like this, pretty girl?" I move my head down to her neck, hearing her moan from the small kisses I give her. I moan from the friction growing between us. I don't exactly know why I do this, but I can't stop myself from licking a long, slow trail from her collar bone to her jaw.

"D-Daddy," Alice is whimpering underneath me. I have her completely trapped against me and the mattress and she doesn't know what to do. "Daddy, it hurts." Her hips wiggle with mine. I stop moving, watching her in amusement at her own attempts of grinding with me. "M-Make it stop hurting." I bite my lip in thought, my dream flashing through my head while my hand moves from her hip to the hem of her panties. Looking down at them, I want to rip them off so badly and pound into her until she screams.

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