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"Mr. Hemmings, Mr. Leyon wants to speak with you," Bethany says, not even bothering to look up from the carpeted floor of my office.

"Can he wait? I'm in the middle of something," I continue typing away on the keyboard. A few figures didn't come out exactly to par (Mr. Leyon's expectations), so I have to fix it and find out why they ended up that way. Yay me.

"He said it was important, and to not take no as an answer," I sigh, halting my fingers and looking up, only to be met with platinum roots.

"Ms. Michaels," her head snaps up at my formality. I take the glasses off my face and rub my eyes with my fingers, waiting until I see stars to speak again. "I know we haven't entirely been on good, solid terms-" I stand up, my hands buried in my pockets. ". . . it's still rude to not make eye contact when speaking to someone." Her face twists to a scowl, standing up straighter and smooth out her button-up that isn't exactly buttoned all the way. Which I have grown to learn she did on purpose at my expense and has yet to break the habit of wearing tight clothing around me.

"Mr. Hemmings," her arms cross under her chest and she takes a step forward. "I know we haven't entirely been on good, solid terms-" she mocks, causing my eyes to narrow and jaw to clench. ". . . it's still rude to talk down to someone despite their standing in the work place."

"I'm sorry if you think I'm trying to show superiority over you, it wasn't my intention."

"Honey, I don't think," Bethany steps closer and pins me against my desk. "I'm as certain as ever that you are very much flaunting your superior standing. And I don't like it." Glancing over her shoulder, I see other coworkers staring at us, the close proximity she has me in making a few raise eyebrows.

"Ms. Michaels-"

"Save it, Luke," she tromps over and slams the door shut before turning back to me. "how much longer until you realize it's me? Do you have to get me fired again?" My eyebrows come together and I stare at her.


"Wow, you really are dumb," she rolls her eyes at me.

"Excuse me-" Bethany holds her hand up to silence me.

"I obviously have to play Lucy here," I shake my head in confusion. "once upon a time, way back when I was a teenager, I use to be a stripper that went by the name Angel."

"Uh," I blink.

"You never looked at the card, did you? Only for the number, not the name?" I blink again, my mouth gape. "Well, that answers my question." She rolls her eyes again. "I had tried everything to make you realize that it's me, Luke." A picture flashes through my head from when I was 18, not that long ago, of a business card being handed to me by a blonde-haired girl that was only in her underwear.

"Oh, my God," I cover half my face, suddenly very concerned about the certain situation about to arise from this. "oh, my fucking God."

"Hi, Luke," she gives a sarcastic smile. "now do you remember me?" I can't believe this. How does this happen? "Coincidence, I know, meeting again after 6 years from sharing a moment like that, nonetheless in a place that you've been working for a few years and you're highly respected."

"If you're going to get me fired, so help me-"

"Hush, pretty boy," Bethany straightens my tie and jacket. "I'm just as surprised as you are to be seeing each other like this. After working as a stripper -- at a very young age, might I add -- it's difficult to find work. But, I get hired here, as Mr. Luke Hemmings' new secretary." She begins busying herself with my hair and I cringe with every touch. "Now, honestly, Luke is not as common as a name as everyone thinks it would be; I also would never forget a young man that looked like that stepping into a strip club and blushing from a half-naked girl dancing in front of him.

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