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A beautiful young girl with blonde hair and brown eyes looks up at me. Her lips are painted red, her fragile body covered by a corset, her feet in heels. She smiles, her soft and compassionate smile, as she runs her delicate fingers through my hair.

"Do you remember me?"

I nod, thinking back to when I was 18 and my girlfriend had just dumped me. My dad suggested I go to a strip club with him. I told him no, and would rather be like any other broken hearted teen and stay in the darkness of my room listening to sad music all night long. He told me it'd ease the pain better, get my mind off of her even if it were only for a couple hours. I only shrugged, getting up and thinking what harm could possibly be done?

When I walked in, I looked around as the place was dimly lit, only fluorescent pinks and blues and purples and a spotlight on each runway gave off enough light to see where you were going. The music was surprisingly good, despite it being music that girls were supposed to strip to.

Girls are magical that way. Making anything work to their advantage.

Dad guided me to a small table at the end of a runway. It was just the two of us and to say I felt awkward was a bit of an understatement. We waited, me growing bored, until a young girl with very light blonde hair that fell over her shoulders and down her back in loose curls that I know she spent so much time on fixing appeared. She strolled out, wearing a corset and red-bottom stilettos. She looked close to my age. Her hand held on to the pole attached from ceiling to stage, as she gracefully moved her body so that I could see all of her. The corset was tightened so much that her breasts were pushed up and it looked like she could smother anyone with them in a matter of seconds.

She was beautiful. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her brown ones as she slowly undid the corset and let it fall off of her body. She wore white lace underwear that were practically see-through, with a matching bra to show off her nipples. I side-glanced my father, desperately hoping he'd leave to another table. He looked rather bored, probably because of how young she seemed.

She worked her way around and down the pole, as if it were so natural to her, before she dropped down to her hands and knees, crawling towards me with a smirk on her lips. I glanced again, seeing my father had finally left, and I couldn't have been more grateful. She leaned over, her cheek brushing against mine and her breath gently fanning against my ear.

"What's your name, handsome?" I kept my eyes on her shoulder until she pulled away, her lips centimeters from mine. They were a shiny pink, whether it were lipgloss or from licking them I wasn't entirely sure but I so badly wanted them against my skin. They were parted and her big brown eyes looked into mine, and I wanted nothing more than to see them under me as I pounded into her, taking out all of my anger on her in those fancy back rooms I've seen on television.

I wonder if they do that here.

"Luke," I murmured. She ever so gracefully twisted her body so she had her legs tucked underneath her and used her arm to hold herself up. She motioned with her finger for me to come closer. I leaned forward, thinking it was enough, when she looped her finger through the collar of my shirt and pulled me towards her. My upper body was practically laying across the stage and her lips were parted again, her tongue trying to poke through before she started speaking in her soft, undeniably sexy voice.

"Don't tell me you're here because you're the one with a broken heart," her eyebrow raised, as well as her mouth in a smirk. I looked down and away, wanting to avoid eye contact. "oh, you are." I nodded slightly. Looking back up at her, her entire face had fallen, and her eyes held empathy. Her hand went from my shirt to my cheek and her thumb rubbed against my skin. I hoped that the lack of lighting was good enough to hide my face because I felt my cheeks flare up in uncomfortable heat and I didn't want a girl like her seeing me blush. "Let me make you feel better." She whispered, sliding herself down from the runway, taking me by the arm and leading me to the back.

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