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It's quite possible I am on cloud 9 and all I can think about is how beautiful Alice is naked. It's been about a week since our little shower time and ever since she walks in my room late at night, just in a pair of underwear I haven't seen before, and crawls in next to me. It makes my heart skip about two or three beats seeing her because she'll stand there all shy and waiting for me to invite her in bed.

She likes to tell me the sheets are softer in the guest bed than in her room. I don't believe it for a second but whatever she wants to tell me as her reasoning for being here with me, I'll take it. I find myself always staring at her face while she sleeps, despite how incredibly creepy that sounds, and running my fingertips along her smooth skin. The window brings moonlight in through the blinds and they reflect on her pale body and it feels so surreal.

Only a month ago was I suppressing any feelings I had for Alice, and now we're kissing and I touch her body in places I never thought I would and I had never fallen in love with someone more than this small girl resting in a bed that is barely big enough for two.

"Daddy," this night wasn't any different from the others. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, her hand rests on my arm. "Daddy? Are you awake?"

"Yes, baby," I roll over, looking up at the almost nude girl before me. Her arms were hugging herself, hiding her chest behind them. Well, trying their best to hide them.

"May I lay with you?" Alice is already sitting on the edge of the mattress, the blinds imprinting themselves on her body, and looking down at me. Too tired to speak, I nod, offering my arms for her to climb in. She doesn't take too much time crawling over and laying on top of me, resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"What's wrong, baby?" I manage as I rub her back. Her body is tense in my arms and she's whimpering. "Talk to me."

"I hurt," she whispers. "please make it stop hurting."

"What hurts?" Helping her lay on her back, I can't help gazing at her breasts that drive me absolutely insane.

Her arms wrap around her lower stomach, her lip jutting out and quivering. My eyebrows come together and my head cocks. "I started my period." She speaks quietly, embarrassment washing over her features. Needless to say, I'm caught off guard. She never complained about painful periods ever. The only sign she'd ever give me is that she'd text me some sort of red emoji, no matter the time, and all I had to do was just be a little more sensitive and cautious of her feelings.

"Has it hurt before?" I ask, starting to rub her abdomen. I honestly don't know if it really works, but Jessica had me do it a few times and she said it helped. Alice shakes her head, her eyes getting watery. "On a scale of one to ten, tell me how bad it hurts, baby."

"I don't know, Daddy," she wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. "I've never felt it before." That's pretty new. I haven't heard of a period without cramps, at least not from the girls I've been around.

I don't know what else there is for me to do other than pull her closer and keep rubbing her abdomen. Her muscles relax slightly and she shifts around to try to snuggle in to my side. "Baby, I can't rub your tummy if you lay like that." Kissing her nose, I try to roll her over on her back again but she starts fighting me.

"It's a bad idea to lay like that," Alice huffs. She rolls to the other side, her back pressing to my chest. I chuckle to myself. She's a lot more demanding and independent when she starts her period, almost like an alter ego. "rub it now, please."

"Yes, my princess," I smile, going back to rubbing like she asked me to. I kiss her shoulder, pulling her even closer against me and move her hair out of my way so I can rest my head comfortably in the back of her neck.

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