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So, I walked in on Alice touching herself the other day. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed; I think it should be me because I stared way too long and my dick got way too hard. I was just going up to ask her if she wanted anything while I was at the store. I knocked, swear to God I did, before opening the door and her hand was down her pants and her eyes were as big as a doe. I'm pretty sure she was stuck in utter shock because her hand stayed put and I couldn't help staring. My mouth was hung open. I wanted to say something, like "what the hell are you doing" but I just couldn't find the words amongst the dirty thoughts running around in my head.

I simply just shut the door and walked away, out to the car, and drove to the grocery store with the hardest boner I ever had in my entire life, and I was pretty disgusted with myself for it. I had to sit in the car for about 30 minutes for the stupid thing to soften because I kept thinking about it.

We haven't talked about it. We haven't talked about anything at all. She'll walk in the kitchen, her face suddenly turns red, then she just walks out the door to school. I've been wanting to talk to her, but part of me feels like that's something she'd rather leave alone. The other part of me wants to know where the hell she learned it (even though I'm fairly certain I know who taught her). I attempted talking to Bethany about it, but each time I chickened out and said never mind. I mean, how are you supposed to bring up walking in on your daughter masturbating to a potential girlfriend? And how do I explain that I stared at her hand down in her crotch for longer than appropriate?

If Alice were a boy, and I hate to say this, it might've been a little different. I'd be more comfortable with just flat out saying "dude, don't do that when I'm home".

A tap on my forearm brings me out of my thoughts and down to look at Alice. Her pink hair is getting paler and it looks prettier.

"Daddy?" She's using her shy, I'm-not-sure-I-wanna-talk-to-you voice.

"Yes, baby?" A flash of her hand in her pants goes through my mind as I notice she's wearing the same little pink shorts. I gulp, hoping it isn't noticeable, and try to tame the thoughts going wild in my mind.

"Can you make me breakfast?" Alice rocks on her sock-clad feet, looking at the ground. She must still be embarrassed about it. Hell, I understand. I'm still embarrassed from her walking in on me masturbating a couple weeks ago. I suppose we're even now.

"Sure, what would you like?" I set my mug down and shuffle a little, trying to see if I cleaned any dishes last night like I said I was going to.

"Just eggs are fine," she climbs her way in the chair, sitting down and swinging her feet.

"Alright. Don't you have school today?" The clanging of pans go through my eardrums and I cringe with each sound.

"No, it's cancelled," she pauses. After a few moments, she's beside me, holding her phone out. "honest. They emailed everyone last second." I look over the email; Something about a gas leak in the school that they want to fix.

"Okay, I guess you'll have the house to yourself," I go to the fridge, adding: "only yourself."

"I know, Daddy. I'm still grounded and that means no leaving, no friends over, and no Calum," she repeats everything I said with exhaustion and I think annoyance.

"Good girl," I kiss the top of her head, going back to the stove and starting to crack the eggs, the sizzling echoing through the walls.

"Can you make them like you make them?"

"Like I make them?" I look over my shoulder at her and see her playing with the ends of her shorts.

"Yeah, on bread and stuff?"

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