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"You're going to end up killing someone if you don't get your act together," I watch Calum pace around angrily in his room. He's knocked everything off his desk, his chair lays awkwardly on the floor from throwing it at the wall, and his bed that I'm now laying on is a disaster.

"Fuck off, asshole," he grumbles. "I wouldn't kill her. Maybe her stupid daddy."

"It wasn't even his idea in the first place," I sigh, tossing a ball of his socks up in the air.

"Like it matters," Calum huffs. "He found a way to get her away from me."

"Jesus, she's gonna be about an hour or so away. Get over it."

"Fuck you!" I'm suddenly met with a collision of a soccer ball to my chest. The wind is knocked out of me and I see a few stars in my eyes-clenched-tight vision. "I'm not going to get over it! I'm not going to let it go! That's my girl and she's leaving me!"

"She was never yours in the first place," I grit, attempting to massage my aching chest and chucking the ball back at him, missing of course. "You forget, I'm dating her now." I watch as it falls by his closet after hitting the wall, Calum folding his arms.

"Don't throw things in my house!" Mama Joy calls from downstairs. She'll be beyond pissed to see his room trashed from throwing everything.

"Whatever. I don't need you to sit here and tell me that Alice isn't my girl after everything we have been through. And I sure as shit don't fucking believe she'd date you."

"What have you two been through that would make you think she is 'your girl'? Because from what I have heard, all the horror stories about your guys' adventures, those are reasons she should stay away from you," I brush off his last comment. He seems to be more delirious about her moving away than the lie she came up with.

"What the hell do you know about anything?" He screams, kicking the soccer ball so hard it bounces off his bed and lands right on my stomach, very painfully.

"Calum?" Mali-koa knocks on his door over my groaning and moaning from the pain. Her head pokes in and she sees me grimacing. "Calum, why are you screaming?"

"Because Michael thinks he knows everything," Calum crosses his arms, looking out the window. Mali sits down at the edge of the bed, taking the ball and tossing it around, catching it every time.

"What does the almighty Michael have to say today?" She jokes, looking back at me then back to her brother.

"I'm apparently no good for Alice, but he is," Calum lazily throws his arm toward my direction.

"Why's that?" Her body is adjusted on the bed in a way now she can look at both of us without breaking her neck. Her eyes are on me, and I shrug. "I think you should know if you're saying Calum shouldn't be around his best friend."

"First, I'm his best friend. I don't mind hanging out with him," I correct, sitting up and leaning against the wall. "Second, Mali-koa, you saw what happened earlier when Alice told him she was moving. He could've seriously hurt one of you guys."

"He is right," she looks to Cal. "you've been acting out a lot recently, and not just when we are around the Hemmings."

"Please," he scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Her last name isn't even Hemmings. It's hyphenated."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask, clearly annoyed.

"I'm just saying. I don't call her Alice Hemmings, because that isn't her name."

"No, you call her a skank," I point out.

"Fuck off!" Calum moves to tackle me, but Mali stands in front of him, her arms crossed.

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