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"What do you mean you're seeing someone else?" Alyssa whines into the phone. "I thought you liked me!"

"You and I were never seeing each other, okay? We are friends," I groan.

"You are just like every other guy I have dated."

"We weren't dating!" I hear a snort from the living room. I peek around the corner to see Alice grinning ear to ear, scrolling through her phone. She spares a glance my way, still grinning and I shake my head, trying not to laugh with her.

"Then what about all those times you tried kissing me?" Oh, my God she can't be serious.

"Alyssa, that was you."

"Whatever. I thought we were getting better?"

"You still have a lot of apologizing to do."

"Dad!" Alice whines. Oops. I forgot I wasn't supposed to mention it.

"What are you talking about? I apologized to you tons of times."

"It's not important," I clear my throat. "anyway, yeah, I'm gonna probably ask out someone from work."

"Why would you do that? That's so tacky."

"I bet if you worked with me you'd say yes," I roll my eyes, rubbing my temple.

"You don't know that."

"Whatever, Alyssa. You're so fucking childish."

"Look who's talking. You string me along then tell me you're gonna date someone else."

"I didn't string you along, for God's sake. And you're too young for me!"

"I am not! I am almost 20, thank you."

"Goodbye, Alyssa."

"Fuck you, Hemmings," and she hangs up. I let out a sigh of relief and slump down in my seat.

"So, are you gonna date Bethany?" Alice asks from the couch.

"Uh, we're gonna go on dates. Nothing serious."

"Are you gonna try to get laid?"

"Alice!" I bury my face in my hands, feeling my cheeks burn up.

"I'm not hearing a no."

"Alice Riley, stop it!"

"Still not denying it."

"Oh my God, I am not talking to you about this."

"I just wanna know!" She starts laughing. "God, you're so sensitive."

Things have been slowly, but surely, returning back to normal. Our normal, at least. Aside from the random, unwanted sexual outbursts I can't seem to keep to myself; not to mention she seems to be understanding more and more of what I have been saying. 

"May I ask you something?" I ask without thinking.


"What was Calum talking about when he said you'd pick someone over him?" She stays quiet for a while. I can't see her face, so I don't know if she's thinking about it or thinking of a lie.

"He asked me a question that night after you had hit him."

"What'd he ask?"

"If I could only save one person, who would I pick: you or him," I nod, understanding why he was so bothered.

"What'd you say?"

"I never answered. Just kind of left him there to hang."

"Is that a double entendres?" She remains quiet. A smile forms on my face and I lift her chin to see her smiling too. "Cute."

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