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I have been sitting outside Alice's bedroom door for the past half an hour, listening to her talk with Calum. From what I've gathered, Alice had been accepted early to MUU and hasn't even told me; Calum said he couldn't get into MUU because of his GPA so he's going to BSU; she ran by him the news of her dad; he must've comforted her for a short period because there was shifting and sniffling before they started to talk again.

"So, what now?" Calum asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, aren't you going to leave? Run away? Move in with your grandma? Me? Fuck, even Michael?"

"I don't understand why you think I'll just move out, Cal," there's a pause, I hold my breath. "I like living here, he takes really good care of me. Plus, he needs me."

"No, he just needs a lay. Why don't you see it?"

"The only person that has tried to have sex with me is you," her voice is a harsh whisper. "You keep trying to make me sleep with you and I don't want to, Calum."

"I'm not forcing you to sleep with m-"

"Yes, you fucking are! You keep trying to find ways to convince me into letting you 'in my pants' and it isn't going to work anymore," I chew my lip. I'm so proud of her do standing up for herself, but I'm also completely disgusted at this twat.

"Alice, you know I wouldn't do that in my right mind."

"When are you ever in your right mind? When are you ever sober enough to just be my friend? Jesus, Hood, I don't like you like that. I did before, but now I just can't bring myself to. You aren't who you made yourself out to be and I've never been more disappointed."

"That's the word you're choosing? Disappointed?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"The kind someone asks if they're offended by what you're saying to them."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Well, neither are you!"

"Will you hush? You'll wake up Luke."

"Oh, God forbid we bother your precious daddy."

"You're such an asshole."

"Yet, you haven't kicked me out. I'd say you still have some sort of feelings for me," it's dead silent for awhile. I hold my breath again and wait. Alice is taking a really long time to answer, almost as if he's right.

"I miss you, you insulate fuckboy," she whispers, sounding heartbroken. "I miss having my best friend and I miss how he use to be. You are nothing but a neighbor to me now."

"You don't mean that, Ali."

"I do. I do mean that," a long, shaky sigh (I'm assuming is coming from Alice) is the only thing coming between the silence and their conversation. "I hate you, Calum. I hate everything you thought you were doing for me; I hate that you are so mean to Luke; I hate that you keep trying to force me into sleeping with you; I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" And it is quiet once again. I hear faint sniffling, the sound of her bed after someone either sat down or got up, then a small thud.

"After everything I have done for you and did with you, you hate me?" Calum's voice is angry. I start preparing myself to be able to break down the door in case he tries anything stupid. "I did everything because I love you and I wanted the best for you!"

"Don't yell, if you wake up Luke you know he'll just beat you to death."

"I don't give a fuck anymore. Let him, he can get arrested and be out of your life. Alice, he's fucking toxic!"

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