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"Oh my God, what have I let you do?" I gawk at her hair as she walks around the kitchen. It's neon pink, and I had missed spots trying to help her, so it's yellow from the bleach.

"Something awesome," Alice grins, covering her cheeks with her hair. "anyway, you say that now every time you see me, Daddy. Not only is it annoying, but you should be use to it by now."

"You would think," I smile tiredly. It's my first day off work in a long time and I planned on laying in bed to catch up on sleep; Alice, on the other hand, planned otherwise. "Baby, let me go back to bed."

"No, Daddy! You promised!" Her lip juts out and her eyes get big. Her signature pout. Something I see a total of a hundred times a day. "You promised you'd take me today while my car gets worked on."

"I know, I know," I rub my eye, trying to get the sleep out as best I can. "but you can just take my car. I don't need it today." And she huffs. Stomps her foot. Her eyebrows come together. "Don't do it." I warn, my voice becoming stern.

"You promised," Alice's whole body relaxes, and her head drops. All I see is pink.

"Baby," I hold my hand out for her, making a "come here" motion with my fingers. She stomps over a whole three steps, then takes my hand. "I'll keep my promise. But don't you ever, and I mean ever act like that again. Understand?"

"Yes, Daddy," she mumbles, squeezing my hand. I kiss the top of her head before getting up, leading her to the door before releasing both of our hands.

Upon opening the door, Calum is standing there, hand ready to knock. "Oh, hi." I nod to him.

"Calum," Alice wraps her arms around him, a huge smile on her face.

"Oh man, what did you do?" He ruffles her hair and I feel like I'm looking at myself and it hurts to see someone else treat her like I treat her.

"Do you like it?" I tune out their voices from there, staring at the floor as they continue to engage in conversation. Calum still makes me extremely uncomfortable and I am still threatened by him. He takes every opportunity he can to get Alice away from me. Like now. When she needs one ride to school in the morning. After I made a promise to take her, and had to almost receive her infamous temper tantrum for trying to get out of said promise. It's hard to be one of the two most important men in a young girl's life where, nine times out of ten, she will choose her best friend over her father.

Well, I'm not her real dad, but I really feel like I am and it's awful to know that she'd choose him over me.

"Dad?" Alice tugs on my sleeve. I look down at her and see the 11-year-old in her, her big green eyes shining and her face glowing with innocence.

"Yes?" And I already know what she's going to ask.

"Is it okay if Calum takes me to school? So you can rest and still have the car?" Most people would be elated and joyous and worship the ground their savior walked on, but me? I feel my heart break.

Yes, I had tried to stay in bed and told her to drive herself. But, after attempting to throw a fit — plus I'm already up, this just... hurts.

I don't realize it, but I've been staring at them both for a few moments now without saying a word. "Daddy?" Alice whispers.

"Yeah," I force out. "yeah, go ahead. Thanks, Calum." I quickly kiss her on the top of her head and I practically am pushing her out the door. I barely catch her say 'Daddy, wait' as I lock it. I listen to murmurs, mostly Calum's, before they disappear.

This has been happening more frequently, especially now that Calum has 'this wicked awesome new car'. He takes her everywhere: school, work, grocery store, just out in general. I don't like her going with him so much but he's her best friend. How can I tear them apart so easily? I don't trust him, he doesn't trust me. I don't know what to do other than let Alice pick who she would rather spend her time with.

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