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"You walked in on him doing what?" Calum laughs, his head falling back. I huff. I have been trying to explain to him what I caught Luke doing for almost 10 minutes now and all he's done was laugh.

"He was touching his boner!" I exclaim, my face heating up at the memory.

"Oh, my God," he continues laughing and part of me hopes he chokes. "I can't believe you walked in on him masturbating!"

"Mastur-what?" This must be another new word to add to my list.

"Masturbating," he mimics the hand motions I saw Luke doing over his crotch. "when you please yourself. Girls can do it too."

"But I don't have a penis."

"Oh, Ali, sweetie," he pats my knee and shakes his head. "girls do it a tiny bit different."

"How? And what's the stuff that came out of it?"

"That is sperm, also known as come," Calum says, facing the computer screen and typing away. "that's what comes out when you're done being pleasured."

"Does that come out of a girl?" He nods. "Is it the same color?"

"Uh, it can be. It doesn't usually come out of a girl unless you uh, do something different," I peek over his shoulder at the computer screen and see the same Hub site or whatever that he goes to all the time.

"Why are you pulling this up again?"

"I'm going to show girl masturbation," he says nonchalantly, clicking on a video and I watch quietly. Calum leans back and folds his arms, and I feel his eyes on me. I watch the girl on the screen, entirely uncomfortable with what is happening.

"What is she doing?" I ask, trying to tear my eyes away but can't when her fingers disappear between her legs.

"Fingering herself."

"I don't-" I'm cut off by the loud noise that comes out of her mouth and I watch with wide eyes. "oh my God, turn it off!" I cover my eyes and duck my head.

"Oh, come on," he chuckles. I hear a click on the keyboard and the noises stop. I peek up and see it paused on a close up of the girl's fingers. "that's how girls do it."

"That is so gross," I turn away and rub my temples.

"Usually girls aren't that disgusting," he mutters, pinching his lip between his fingers. I roll my eyes.

"You aren't supposed to do that stuff anyway," I mumble, shutting his laptop down.

"I know, others are supposed to do it for you."

"Yeah, when you're married."

"You don't really believe that bullshit, do you?" He scoffs, a smirk on his face.

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you'd be a normal teenager?" He spat, raising his eyebrows. "Come here, I wanna do something."

"What?" I scoot my chair back from him.

"You gotta trust me."

"Not until you tell me."

"Just trust me," his whole being softened then, looking at me with gentle eyes. "I promise, I won't hurt you and I will stop when you say so."

"You've said that before," I mutter, scooting back to him. "what do you want to do?"

"Just close your pretty eyes," I nod and close my eyes. The whole room is silent except for the tiny creak from his chair as he moves. I feel hands on my jean-clad thighs and jump. "easy, Ali, it's just me."

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