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Alice was true to her word. I haven't seen her in a few days. She somehow managed to avoid me at school; I don't even see her in the one class we have together anymore. I tried texting her to apologize but she doesn't reply to that. I messaged her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Kik. I've tried everything and she hasn't said a word to me.

I know I'm not allowed, but I got to do something. I stand at the door, my hand hovering over the white door of her home and I can't seem to move it anymore. Her car is here and Luke's is missing so it's my only chance. I let out a deep breath then knock. I shove my hands in my pockets and wait a few moments before knocking again.

"I'm coming!" I hear, muffled from the door. It swings open and Alice is in sweatpants, a baggy sweatshirt I've never seen before, and her hair in a messy ponytail. Her face goes from her normal resting expression to one of annoyance. She tries to close the door but I stop it with my arm.

"Ali, babe, please let me talk with you," I press.

"I'm not your babe," she scoffs, rolling her eyes. "and I told you I never wanted to see you again."

"I know, but Ali, I miss you."

"Well, I don't miss you," she tries closing the door again but I'm stronger. "knock it off, Hood!"

"Since when do you call me by my last name?" My eyebrows raise. "Only people that hate me call me by my last name." She stays quiet, looking down. "You don't hate me, do you, Ali?"

"Well," she swipes a loose piece of hair away from her face. "I don't exactly like you right now."

"Why? What did I do this time?"

"You left me at that party," she hugs herself. "and then you called me a stupid skank."

"What? I would never call you something like that!"

"Well, you did. Then Luke beat the shit out of you in a blind fury," that sounds like something he would do. I sigh, entirely annoyed, and rub my eyes. "just leave before he gets home."

"He's probably staying late in the office to bang his pretty little secretary," I mumble. It was quiet. "Ali, I-"

"Leave," she slams the door in my face and this time I let her. I deserved that one. She gets upset and defensive whenever I talk about Luke with other women.

"Ali, babe, just let me in," I knock on the door, resting my forehead on the cold surface.

"What, you're not allowed in the house either?" A voice says behind me. I jump, turning around to see a shorter girl with too long of hair and too big of eyes. She raises her eyebrows.

"Not exactly," I awkwardly move my weight foot to foot. "who are you?"

"Alyssa, one of Luke's girls," I nod, biting the inside of my cheek. She looks way too young to be with Luke. Then again, he's a fucking creep that has Alice call him daddy.

"One of?"

"He has another girl he's seeing. Someone he works with. How tacky, right?" She rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms over her incredibly flat chest.

"Are you sure you're seeing him?" I go to gesture toward her looks, lack thereof, then stop myself.

"Yes, why? Are you saying I'm not good enough to be with him?"

"Well, I don't know Luke personally, but from what I've seen he has standards," I lean against the door that probably won't open for me for awhile.

"So you're saying I don't meet his standards?" She scoffs and rolls her eyes once again.

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